Here's a "crappy" story

So on Friday I recieved my issue of MRP '10. I was very excited to finally get it. I’ll do a quick 2 minute flip through as always and then I’ll set it down until later when I have more time to thoroughly page through it. Well, that time came shortly after luch when the porcelin gods called to me. So I grabbed MRP and headed to the bathroom. All went well and some time later I was done. So I put the mag on the back of the toilet so I could properly finish and flush. As I stand up and turn around to flush, my elbow hits the mag and… ker-plunk. In shock and still trying to figure out what just happened, there sits my newest magazine, sitting upright in the toilet bowl. Its corner was resting on the toilet paper. Luckily no part of the mag was actually in the bowl. But one corner did manage to soak up a little water. Finally I grabbed it and proceeded to clean and dry it. One corner on every page is now wrinkled from being wet, but thats ok. It doesnt affect any reading. So in the end I got a good laugh out of the whole thing and a good story to tell. Even if I am a “crappy” story teller. [swg]

Well, well, whaddya say.

The place´s no dang library, yer honor, it is meant for other business!



I recently had to dry out a newspaper article after it got wet during a rainstorm. I put it in the microwave and dryed it 30 seconds at a time (did not want to burn it). Well, the result was absolutely wonderful!!!

You could dry out a mag this way, HOWEVER - be sure to remove the staples first!!!

Oh, you can also unseal envelopes in the microwave as well…


I had smoothie spilled on my MRP. Now the entire bottom of every page is pink and smells like blueberries.

at least it wasn’t your tooth brush.


A few years back my wife brought in the mail when she came home with my son I think he may have been 4 at the time. Well she sits him on the couch and I came in about 20 minutes later to find him with my latest copy of MR which she had just brought in and he was tearing the pages out one at a time and throwing them to the dog who was killing them deader then dead. He just looked up at me and said hi dad, there were maybe 5 r 6 pages left. Needless to say we were in the truck after dinner head to Barnes & Nobel to pick up MR

So the magazine is all good. I am happy to report that none of the ink ran or smeared… And none of the pages stuck together. I just have to remember to put my latex gloves on everytime I wanna read it! [(-D]

MPRR: Maybe time to invest in a Haz-Mat suit [:D]

Just make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after handling the magazine!

Don’t “lick” your fingers to turn a page if it’s stuck together![(-D][(-D]

Well, at least it’s not a reflection on the editorial content!


I wish you would not brag on your “Scratch & Sniff” limited edtion! I am jealous.

Something similar happened to me in the Men’s Room recently:

I went to use the bathroom in the Library.I had my wallet and cell phone in the pocket of my hoodie.

After I finished doing my’business’*(*I’ll spare you the intimate details),I bent over to flush the toilet only to have my cell phone and wallet fall in as well!!![:O][banghead][oops]

I immediately’fished them out’and set them aside and pulled my DL and Library Card and cash out and then went home.

Ended up while my important stuff was okay,after I let my wallet dry out,I dropped it in a Goodwill Box!!!

Back in the 70s a large water main broke in Dayton Ohio near the new at that time Sinclare Community Collage and wouldn’t you know it…the Library is mostly below street level, and where do you suppose the water went? At least it was a supply pipe. Many of the books in their waterlogged state went out to the labratories at Wright-Patterson AFB and as time permitted they were freeze dried. You couldn’t tell a freeze dried book from a untouched book. The Air Force was able to save many volumes.

I was expecting a Biffy joke, but perhaps that is not in to many peoples memorys any longer.


Dayton and Mad River RR

Aw, geez. I thought we were going to have a fishing story.

( That is, with hooks, poles and the pursuit of fish; not fishing things out of a fixture.)

It sounds like you’ve found a new way to model a “load” in your “hopper.” [swg]

Those with replicas of outhouses on their layouts may want to include this warnong sign. [:O]

Ah! Just wait. You haven’t heard the one about the elusive Brown Back Trout.[:-,]