Have acquired the Heritage set. It runs well, smokes & sound tender is great, but I have a problem with the leading truck climbing at rail joints on curves (6.5) not every time at the same place. Any suggestions?
GO TO AN AUTO SUPPLY store and get some small wheel weights and dubble face tape and cut to fit , or flat fishing sinkers and do the same . BEN
Try a spring .[2c]
The loco has a spring loaded truck, but may not have enough movement downwards. Was hoping someone with a similar loco had the same problem and found a solution. Thanks for trying.
You need to add the tire wieght, and check your trackwork, these little turkeys need PERFECTLY level track to run well, if its derailing at the same place its likely the joiner or rails are bent or crooked
I have had the odd situation where the following rolling stco catches up and pushes it off tghe track, are the evnets happeneing when runing down hill>?
Rgds Ian
Victor, I have requested Tim Brien to come on this forum, he is the acknowledged expert on the Heritage and Buddy L locomotives. He fixed mine in a few minutes.
Danny Sheehan in Oz.,
Victor, Tim Brien advises that he believes the track you are running on is the main culpret, while the Heritage and Buddy L loco’s have many issues, the leading truck constantly derailing , is not one of them. Check your trackwork, no kinks and uncompensated gradient changes? Problem fixed.
Mate i also had problems with one of these and found the only fix was to put a stick on weight (used on mag wheels)on each side of the lead truck above the axels.(from memory we used 10gram weights aks you local tyre fitter for them)
Mind you if you have bad track work no amount of weights will fix the problem.
Many thanks to all who replied, Have added weights to front truck, & tinkered with holding screw, track has been tightened & checked. All seems to be working, always a pleasure to hear from others. Victor