Hi all. We just made these and need some opinions, good or bad. Scrap em or make more? Please feel free to use any constructive comments on how they could be improved. I’m wondering how fine gold foam sprinkled over them would look (I need to buy some).
I think the colors right, maybe some more leaf material? You can see the seed pods. Did you do the trees that Dave Farly (sp) shows in the MR scenery book?
I wanted to add, the trunks look great, and the branches look right in their proportion. What did you use?
grande man, they look awesome in my opinion. You are right about the gold, if you are going for the fall look, you need some red’s and orange in there also. Great work…medic
Okay, you want my honest opinion?
They look GREAT! Very nice![tup]
No !! Don’t scrap em, I think they look great.
They look fine to me. Mabey make the main branches petruding from the trunk a little thicker on future trees.
They look like real trees. I think you did a nice job.
They look real good. That late in the fall, when that many of the leaves have fallen you might see a few browns even on the most colorful tree. The bark is great for beech trees and there leaves do turn yellow. With the bark a little darker (don’t ask me the color I am still trying to find a good mix for my layout). You could have maples with the full range of reds, oranges and yellows. For variety toss in a pin oak, darker bark, brown leaves that do not drop until spring.
They really do look good. I hope mine turn out half as well.
Aspens, right?
They look great, unless they were supposed to be lodgepole pines - then you’d need to refine your technique somewhat! [:o)]
How about posting a quick tutorial for us?
[#ditto] We need a tutorial!!!
Thoose look nice!
Grande Man–gorgeous, just gorgeous! Tutorial, PLEASE!! I still need tons of fall Aspen (out here we call them Poplar, for some reason) and commercial is just too expensive a proposition in the long run. So if you’d do a ‘how to’ on them, I for one, would be forever in your debt (as usual!).
Tom [bow][bow]
They look great to me…Keep em…Cox 47
They look VERY good! Good job Grande “Men”! [:p] dthurman mentioned more leaf material. If I had to add any ideas for improvement, that would be it. They do look very nice and very real!! Keep up the good work!
Those look great!
What are they?
Those would look great spattered among some othere trees. Great work!
Very nice work on the trees, definitely keepers! I don’t know if your going for early,or late fall maybe just a bit of orange and browns? Even if you leave them the way they are they look great. [:D] [tup]
There are parts of them that look really good and at first glance, that is what you see. However, if you look at the picture long enough, I can see your concern. You are worried about the sparse higher branches which would be more noticeable on the layout than in the photos because of the camera angle.
But before I did any scrapping I think I would try some selective pruning. Perhaps you could even somehow attach those stray branches to the trunk and make it even fuller. Of course, that would be more easily done before putting on the leaves.
They look great. Make more!!!
You might want to do just a little trimming, there are a couple of stray branches at the top. They are showing up in the lower photo.
By the way, properly staged and lit, that scene has the makings of a photo contest winner.
Hi guys. Thanks for all the input. Sorry I haven’t posted since last night. That wicked witch Katrina took me off line until about 10 minutes ago.[V] Anyway, you’ve hit on my concerns Space. I’m thinking about adding some gold medium ground foam to see how they look but some “pruning” might also help. The seed pods standing out is also a concern. One thing though, trees are tough to model and are almost just a suggestion. I’m glad to see some recognized them as “aspens”.
As for the technique, I promised the gentleman that turned me onto it not to post it on a public forum. I would comment though, that what you see was purchased at Hobby Lobby, completed in a couple of hours tops, at a cost of less that $10. You guys go take a look at the floral dept there.
Just a thought: Here in Indiana, in late fall, when the trees lose their leaves to the point of showing bare branches, the very top branches are fully exposed first, so the minor concern about your trees is not so bad. We don’t have aspens here, but I can’t imagine them losing lower branch leaves first. Anyway, IMHO, yours are the best fall aspens I’ve seen in a long time.