Hey! It warmed up today....and guess what?

I shouldn’t have relayed that last turnout and curve when it was 20 degrees! Can you say linear expansion? Chug chug chug chug SPROING…Ahhhhhhhhhhhh…BOOM! Doh!!![D)]

the horror…

lineeyer ickspanshun…there, how’s that? [:-^] Sorry it happened, but in the grand scheme of all things awful, it is small spuds. I’ll bet you are back up and running by the time you read this.

No loco was hurt…I hope?


Well I have done extensive work to my layout since this big strech of winter weather, but I guess my semi-temperature controlled work area is the culprit of me getting away with all this work turning out alright. The only thing that happened that concerned me was flooding of my basement after the big thaw and about 2 inches of standing water on places of my driveway. Glad my layout is now in my garage instead of basement… I am hoping no major damage was done to your pieces on the track at the time of accident??


No major damage. Nothing a dremel tool and some CA can’t fix. Found 1 other kinked curve. Good thing I haven’t started my ballast yet. It was “see your breath cold” when I laid that turnout. I think my next major purchase needs to be some better climate control.$$$

At least a oil heater or a small something to help keep it kind of constant. Glad nothing terribly bad happened, and aren’t dremel tools just fantastic??


In 1:1 scale usually track is laid when it is warm out. They have a device that warms up the rail when laying it. Sometimes in the cold we get a pull-apart. There are two options: a hydraulic rail puller, or “Burning the rope”. A piece of rope about 20-30 feet long is laid along the rail, and set on fire. This heat expands the rail and allows it to reconnect where it should be. New rail joiner (angle bar) is installed. They may come back later and weld the joint back up.

Time to get some better HVAC in the room. I wouldn’t try burning the rope in your basement.[:-^]

Well, it looks like the final thaw of the winter of 2006 is here. I washed the car, filled up the tank and headed off to my favorite LHS armed with a $100 gift certificate that I got for Christmas. HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN, THE SKIES ABOVE ARE CLEAR AGAINNNNNNNNNNN!! Model railroading rocks!!