Brick and Clay Record, June 1, 1913
Large Quantities of Clay Products Used in Heywood-Wakefield Co.’s New York Home
The fireproof building, illustrated herewith, was constructed in eleven months from the date of starting the excavation until the building was finished complete. It was designed by Lee & Hewitt, New York architects, and contains seven and one-half acres of floor space. Construction of the building required 3,500 tons of structural steel, 75,000 bull-nose brick, 49,000 Shawmut paving brick for the 34th street front, 76,000 O.W. Ketcham’s rough brick for the 33rd street front, all laid in Flemish bond; 11,000 enamel brick, 38,000 pavers in the driveway, 2,860,000 common brick in the walls and stairway enclosures and 35,000 square feet of six-inch terra cotta partitions. The building occupies a plot 100 by 200, extending through from West 34th street to West 33rd street, the twelve stories and basement being occupied entirely by the Heywood Bros. & Wakefield Co., a branch of which is located in Chicago.
Poor’s Manual of Industrials 1916
HEYWOOD BROTHERS AND WAKEFIELD COMPANY. – Incorporated March 17, 1897, in New Jersey, as a consolidation of Heywood Bros. & Co., Gardner, Mass., Heywood & Morrill Rattan Co., Chicago, Ill., and the Wakefield Rattan Co., Wakefield, Mass. Company manufactures cane and wood seat chairs, baby carriages, car seats, school furniture, and all kinds of reed and rattan furniture. Plants located in Chicago, San Francisco and Gardner and Wakefield, Mass.
Moody’s Manual of Railroads and Corporation Securities 1922
HEYWOOD-WAKEFIELD CO. – Inc. Feb. 8, 1921, in Mass.; successor by reorganization to Heywood Brothers and Wakefield Co.; also at time of incorporation acquired the business and assets of the Lloyd Manufacturing Co. of Menominee, Mich. Busi