hidden staging question

I am starting HO layout #3. This one will be based on a Allen McClelland design from the 1996 model RR planning book. It calls for a hidden staging area under a branch line terminus. The benchwork in that area will be 2 foot wide and accesible from both sides. What have any of found to be a good height to have between decks. The height of the lower deck from the floor will be 50". Any input would be appreciated.



well, you’re going to need 3" clearance between the railheads and the benchwork of the upper section just so that the cars will clear (I’m talking about standard cars, nothing too tall, like hi-cubes or anything)… then you will need an additional 3" clearance or so for your 0-5-0. So, minimally this is at least 6" clearance between the railheads and the lowest part of the benchwork above.

And then there’s the additional clearance between the 0-5-0 and the cars, bein’ that you probably don’t wish to scrape the “boom” across the tops of the rolling stock.


My hidden staging is five tracks deep and it is 10" rail to rail. That is pleanty of room to 0-5-0 anything I need to (but rarely have to). It can be a bit tight where the bench work is, but it works very well since I don’t ever need to mess with anything. Take your time building the benchwork and laying the track.

Mike in Tulsa

BNSF Cherokee Sub