Hiding wires from Bachmann 2-8-0 tender

Does anyone have experience or ideas for hiding the multi-colored wires (a bundle of four and one of two) running from the engine to the tender? This is a non-DCC Consolidation, although I intend to add a DCC and sound module later.

This is what I did with the Spectrum 4-6-0. I coated the wires with black vinyl liquid tape.


Thanks for the reply and the picture. I saw some 1/4" corrugated wire loom wrap, but that’s a little large. I lie the way they ran the plugs into the bottom of the Ten Wheeler tender, rather than into the front lower edge the way they did on the Consolidation. Guess I’ll get a can of black liquid tape. How long does it take to dry?

Yeah, I forgot the wires on the 2-8-0 plug into the front of the tender. I just let mine dry overnight. The instructions say dry in 30 minutes. Some times I use the liquid tape istead of shrink tube.


I painted mine with Polly Scale Steam Power Black.

As the Stones would say…

Paint it Black!
