HIstorical US railroad grow during 1840-1910

Hi to everyone.
I’m writing from quite far… (Italy) because I’m interested in trains. My main interest is focused on the story of the “pioneered” railroad. It means the time frame covering the ages from 1840 to 1910.
I’ve to addend a TV forum (Italian State Television - that’s a satellitar channel called RAI INTERNATIONAL) and I’m looking forward to get a map showing the “gradient” of the railroad construction, going from east to west.

I’d like to get some informations on where to find those maps.

Anyway, thanks for your attention!


Giovanni Pedretti

Link to Lobrary of Congress Railroad Maps:


A site with lots of maps:


Thanks for the info!


This link from the cprr site shows the progressive development of the rail system to 1950:




Ciao, Giovanni

Also there is a tape on the history of American Railroads that you would like.

There is some info on this page on the top right hand side. Railroad Track Charts

The UP website (www.up.com) has a map showing the dates the transcontinental RR progeressed across the country.

Dave H.