
Hi there!

I’ve been active on the Classic TOY Trains side of things for many years but I haven’t posted over here before. I recently decided that since I had been buying every issue of CT at my LHS in recent years and when my LHS announced it’s going out of business I might as well save some money and go ahead and subscribe! [:D]

My favorite railroads are (in no particular order):

  1. NYC
  2. NKP
  3. N & W
  4. C & O
  5. UP

I live about a mile and a half from where NYC’s Linndale roundhouse once stood and the area is saturated with ex NYC and NKP rails.


Welcome, and glad to have you!

Welcome aboard Becky! What a nice surprise to find you over here!

For the rest of you, “Penny Trains” is the reigning O gauge queen over on the “Classic Toy Trains” Forum sight. I’d heartily suggest all of you take a look over there so see some examples of this incredible artists work! Prepare to be amazed.

For example, go to the the “Classic Toy Trains” Forum, back up to page 15 and look at Becky’s “Christmas Photo” thread. Back further on the Forum pages and look for her avatar for other examples.

Welcome again Your Majesty!

I’m never going to live down the tilte of that article, am I? [swg]

No Ma’m! Relish it!

I’d suggest everyone pop over to the “Classic Toy Trains” Forum and scroll down to and select “Carpet Layouts.” Have a look, trust me, you’ll be amazed.

Wow! What a setup! I’m so used to modelling at a scale of 12 inches to the foot that I often forget about the simpler pleasure of building a layout on the floor. Thanks for the reminder Firelock.

And I can see where Ms. Becky has gotten her royal title from, those floor layouts however temporary are true works of art. Kudos, and keep up the good work!