HO Barbed wire

Its time to put a barbed wire fence around the hunting scene. Where do I get or how do I simulate barbed wire?

In Lou Sassi’s book, he used ultra lite fish line and tied knots in it. He used a jig for spacing, someone on this forum might have the details for correct spacing, I don’t have mine handy right now.

I’d find the finest thread/monofiliament line out there. You aren’t going to see the barbs in HO anyway…

The mesh used for wedding vails can be cut in single strands. Still does not look to scale

As I recall, Art Curren did an MR article on modeling various types of fences not too many years ago, including modeling a barbed wire fence. Check to Magazine Index.


This is the method my buddies have used…How much do you want barbed wire???

I wonder if there is a commercial source out there?

I haven’t seen it in person, but Yesteryear Creations:
offers barbed wire in both HO and N scale.
NMRA Life 0543

I have wondered this for a long while, you cann’t drive out west without seeing miles of the stuff along roads.

anyone tried the yesteryearcreations barbed wire?

There are two good methods of barbed wire. First, the DIY method, is to buy fine wire mesh, such as the type used for repairing car bodywork, and cutting down the centre of the diagonal lines, leaving a single barbed strand. For curled wire, twist it round a pen or pencil.

The other option, is to go to www.forgeworld.co.uk and buy some brass-etched barbed wire. This just needs removed from the sprue, and painted.

Oh, hang on, I’m meant to be trolling…

I messed this up, didn’t I.

hey, do you play a GW game, i thought i was the only person on this board who did, if true, what do you play?

I just wrapped some thin wire around a small screwdriver, here is a picture…


Have you used the barbed wire? Is it the right gauge for HO?

Cheese that looks GREAT! I am TOTALLY impressed.

There is another thread about power lines and someone pointed to this site:


They sell a stretchable thread that they say works for power lines or barbed wire. Take a look.

uphilldownhill, were on their site is it?

I could have sworn somewhere in the Walthers catalog there was barbed wire…but I can’t find it right now.

Cheese…your fence looks great, but just a little constructive criticism here…most chain link fence I’ve seen runs diagonally to the ground, not parallel to it. Your fence looks like 8 foot tall field fence to me. Still looks good though! [:)]


Rotor, read your email, I sent one a little while ago, as for the fence of Cheese’s, I have seen them that way, usually they are geared towards farms and stuff, I helped a pal stretch about 5 acres one time…

Nice fence Adam, great idea for the barb wire. I just ordered some chainlink fence that is supposed to have barbwire from I think GoldMedal?

I agree dthurman…I have seen fence done that way…in fact I have strung 4 foot field wire around my 4 acres of pasture myself, back when I moved in here and brought my goats with me! ( FWIW…it didn’t keep the goats in, or the dogs out. I’m out of goats now, and the neighbors are out of a few dogs…but I’ll not get into that! [:0] )

My point to Cheese, not knocking his effort at all, was that most chain link fence I’ve seen runs diagonally.

Maybe I’m a little particular, but I see things that maybe other model railroaders don’t see. Things that are just unnatural in the real world. Automobiles cruising down the street, but no driver in the car? C’mon guys.

OK…I’ll go back to my padded room now! [^]


How about the stuff that is only four feet high with a wire or two strung across it, you see this stuff keeping cattle in and it runs for miles, what would work best for it? What about the very skinny metal posts, what in HO looks like that?

Give Rotorranch a big hand for getting us back on track.