Can anyone suggest any HO NYC subway cars out there for 1940 - 1950’s…
Life-Like makes the NYC subway in 4 caar sets under their Proto 1000 line. Most on line suppliers carry them.
The Proto 1000 R17 subway car is modeled after IRT units that were introduced in 1955. The Proto 1000 R21 and R22’s prototypes were produced in 1957. I have many fond memories of riding them as a kid in the 60s and 70s.
I could be mistaken, but as far as I know, the Proto R17s are no longer available from Walthers but do show up on ebay quite a bit. Here’s a web dealer that has the R17 set in stock:
The R21/22 series is in stock at Walthers.
Many different cars are available, as Resin Kits at - they also do lots of different commuter cars.
I’ve never used them, but I’ve seen some nice models made from them.
Gil, known as Bill somedays … [8D]