ho rivarossi remotor

Has anyone out there ever tried to install a can motor in a ho rivarossi 2-8-8-2
boiler? If so, any advice?

No but I did do a retrofit in a 4-8-8-4 and unfortunately it was not sucess. There was a guy selling small motors for old Rivarossi engines on E-bay. I believe the problem that I had was more to do with the power pick ups and poor conductivity. The Big Boy is now permanently sidelined.


Check out NWSL web site, they have allot of different conversions for upgrading motors to the older AHM/Rivarossi loco’s. They have a recomended motor for doing each loco, I did do my Hudson and Berk, they run great now at slow speed. I did purchase one of the motors that Ferg is speaking of off ebay for an up grade. It worked ok, but I ended up going with the NWSL motor instead, smoother runner.

Retrofitting Rivarossi engine’s has not been met with much success - because of space requirement’s. There have been people who have done it, but the coscensus seem’s to be it isn’t worth all the effort.