HO scale - Auto Unloader?

All- I know the old Walthers Cornerstone Auto Distribution Facility kit came with two “trucks” to unload cars from Auto Carriers. As this kit is extremely difficult to find, do you know if Walthers or some other company sells these trucks that unload autos from their carriers? If my description is poor, I apologize. These “trucks” are essentially ramps that allow a driver to drive the auto from the freight car down to the ground. Thanks in advance,

The Walthers model you’re referring to was kit #933-3076. It originally retailed for $49.95. As you already know, it is no longer available from Walthers.

The kit included a chain link fence, guard shack, corrugated metal office building, two auto hauling semi trailers and the two unloading ramps. They weren’t trucks, exactly – they have wheels on them so they can be rolled into place, but they’re basically just long ramps. I almost bought one of these kits because for a time, Ocala (where I live) had such a facility in its interchange yard to serve a local van conversion company. Unfortunately, I never got around to buying the kit before it was discontinued.

As far as I know, no one else has produced models of these ramps.

I gather from your post that you’re just looking for the ramps. Unfortunately, you may have to buy the whole kit to get them. I would suggest joining the Yahoo HO Yard Sale Group and posting a “Want to Buy” message. Include the Walthers SKU (933-3076) and refer to what you’re looking for as the “unloading ramps.” Hope you find what you’re looking for. (And when you’ve found yours, I may go looking for one of these myself!)

Thanks for the info. I did find a kit at a model shop - unfortunately it is full list price and the box is a bit worn. I;'m still deciding if I want the kit. I do want to model some type of intermodel facility but I;m nto sure if I want the entire lot…

Walthers used to sell the ramps by themselves, before they introduced the auto terminal. You may be able to find one of those. It was 933-3108.