HO scale couplings

I require HO scale couplings for engiens and rolling stock. My trains are from Life Like Products Inc and I have failed so far to find any.

Does anyone here know where I could buy some ?

For starters, click on model trains on this page
scroll down to the A to Z of HO couplers exclusive
of the new #58 that was written up in MR,April 2001. Consult with the Coupler conversion chart in the Walthers catalog, get a coupler height gauge and a trip pin tool.Also,you can go to the adds in MR . The overhall consensus is that Kadee is the best way to go.

Go to the Kadee site,www.kadee.com and click on
the coupler picture and you will see the new #58
Kadee, the successor to the old # 5. Kadee also
has a line of 20-series couplers, 9 different
designs for different applications.

I agree with Charles. The Walthers catalog has a
conversion chart for most engines and passenger
and other rolling stock. Most conversions are
easy. Kadee to me is by far the best,no wonder
that they have been around so long. Have fun.