HO Scale Dual Crossing Gates ....

I know Bachmann Industries once made a Code 100 dual crossing gate with flashing lights some time ago. Does anyone know if such an item is still made (Nickel track) by any manufacturer? Bachmann seems to have amnesia about this item (just like they had amnesia when they forgot to include railings with my spectrum engine - but that’s another irritating story).

This is just for my home layout - something fun. I know I could buy lit model power crossing gates, wire them up to Tortoise switches and approach sensors, etc. like we have on our club’s layout - but that would be a little overkill for my 4x8 on the bar top. [:)]

LifeLike makes one, or at least they did. there are several of them on e-bay right now. Here is an example


Not trying to be funny but check out the toy store.