HO Scale Furniture ?

Does and commercial company produce HO Scale furniture for houses and businesses . I’m speaking of rural scenerey . Interior only . I need their name or a web - site address . Thanks , Bob

What era?

Here’s a start for furniture - I guess WWI to Depression era, but quite a bit usable for later eras: http://www.oakridgehobbies.com/ho_scale/ho_furniture.html

Note: To add to that, unless you plan to make a removable roof for displaying the interior (which is fairly common, actually - also I’ve seen some factories and warehouses at the edges of layouts bisected so you can see clearly inside) - but if the furniture will remain inside behind somewhat obstructing ‘window glass’ you could whip up a number of items (shelves, counters, tables, chairs, display cases) fairly straightforwardly using strip styrene pieces and paint/markers - admittedly these pieces won’t be superdetailed, especially if they are your first attempts, but they will serve very well to give your buildings interiors.

Model Power makes some furniture as do other manufacturers look in details sections of major websites

Preiser makes some kinds of furniture as does Vollmer but as chutton01 noted, it’s quite easy to make your own.