Hi all,
Need to find limousine that i can convert to the Beast for my layout. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Hi all,
Need to find limousine that i can convert to the Beast for my layout. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
No idea what the “Beast” is. (?)
Sorry, that’s the presidential limousine.
Thank for looking.
Well, maybe you can hunt around for one of these
4D HO Scale Model Limos
They even have the Beast (keep scrolling down thru the images), although apparently not the right color, and looks like it would probably some work on your part, if you can find one.
Not good enough - sorry, I’m just the messenger…
What scale and year/timeframe are you modeling?
Oxford Diecast has the 1961 presidiential limo in HO
Also a '41 Lincoln that might work for FDR, other colors are avaiable