Does anyone have and is willing to sell or know of a website that’s selling an HO scale model of Lady from Thomas and the Magic Railroad?
Check Bachman, they make all the other Thomas trains.
I don’t think anyone makes a model of Lady yet.
Here is a list of available models:
I saw one in a YouTube video.I think the author said it was made by a Japanese company.Can anyone confirm this?If not,I’ll just get and kitbash any 0-4-0 tank engine with cylinders I can find.
I saw it too, but I contacted the fellow. He lives in Japan and he scratchbuilt, or rather kit-bashed the model from something or other. But no, there is no company that makes Lady and probably never will be.
If you are going to do this, I recomend an old Life Like 0-4-0t “Tea-kettle” or Docksider, whcih can be obtained for around $15 or so, and the Ertl Lady shell, which was quite big from memory.
Where might I find this “Tea Kettle”?
Try Ebay.
Anywhere else?
hey i have the baltimore and ohio steam tea kettle loco now are you sure that the ertl shell will fit on it i really hope so1 bye from giorgio p.s cheddar or mozzerala
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