I’d like to use operating switch stands with rotating targets to indicate switch position on my turnouts. The turnouts are operated by either music wire toggle springs or Tortoise machines. I’m aware of two manufacturers , Rix and NJ International, that have these switch stands available. I’d appreciate feedback about the quality and reliable operation of these two brands, as well as other alternatives.
Fragility. I believe Rix has a low stand, and Caboose industries has one.that works, but If they build anything to hold up, it wont be to scale. A Trade off.
Tom, Surrey Custom Models, a Canadian outfit, makes operating switch stands in HO and other scales: http://www.surreycustommodels.com/switch.html
They were formerly made by Alder Models, which Surrey has absorbed. I have not used their products, but perhaps someone else can report on their quality and durability.
NMRA Life 0543
I’m embedding a dpdt slide switch in the foam with just the black toggle showing, directly connected to the points throw rod on the turnout by a bit of wire. Not prototypic but barely noticable even with a small slot in the ground and easy as anything to make and maintain, so long as the turnout is within easy reach of the edge
(Other turnouts are on Tortoise because of CTC, or on longer under-the-table rods when out of reach)
I may put something on top of the toggle to make it look more like a switch stand, but it will have to be robust. There was an article in MR some time about exactly this, and he just drilled ahole in the top of the toggle, inserted a wire with a target soldered to it, and manually rotated the target when he slid the toggle.
Thank you all for the information., I really appreciate it. Fargility will definitely be an issue, as will coming up with something close to scale size. It will be an interesting challenge.
Thanks Again,
Tom Watkins