HO scale: Union Pacific domestic stack train

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HO scale: Union Pacific domestic stack train

very realistic!

Very impressive! You certainly have some long straigtaways on your layout!

You’ve done a great job of keeping shadows off the backdrop, even where tall structures, such as the water tank, aren’t far from it. How have you lit your layout?

Enjoyed it…very well done.


Hi Stephen,
The lights are 4’ flourecent tubes back-to-back mounted behind the valance flush with the layout edge. The valances are painted white on the inside.

Outstanding detail! One of the best I’ve seen.

Looks like a ZAILC with some stray cat JB Hunt containers for extra measure. Well done.

As a up engineer it’s one of the most prototypical layouts I’ve seen! Well done!

Why, oh why… hasn’t this layout been featured in MR yet!!!

Great layout and scenery - very visually appealing. Thanks for sharing with us!

Is this real or model? WOW. Real great job in blending everything seen and what you think you may see in a model train running at correct speed. Well done video.

Amazing !