HO SP/RI Golden State cars - where to find them?


I recently got hold of a nice Proto 2000 EMD E7 A & B Unit in SP Golden State scheme for a very nice price, and now I wanna put together a matching Golden State passenger train. It doesn´t have to be 100% prototypical, that´s why I was looking for some nice old Rivarossi or IHC streamliner cars. But there is a problem: I can´t find them anywhere on the internet! I already spent hours on google searching, but I still didn´t find a single online trainshop that offers Golden State streamliner cars by IHC or Rivarossi. Ok, I know these items/manufacturers are out of production since quite a time, but I still wonder why there absolutely no Golden State cars left of these manufacturers.

I would be very thankful if somebody could help me and name me a shop or website that still offers it.

To be more precise: Rivarossi cars are favored over IHC cars. And I absolutely need 3 sleepers, 3 coaches and 2 diners in my consist.

For about 25 years, there was a FULL SIZED SP/CRIP Golden State coach at a local junkyard here in Corpus Christi. It was used as an employee lunchroom. Gone now. Sorry I can’t help you.


They have gone up in price but what hasn’t in this hobby.


I understand about the not 100% prototypical and with the IHC, or Rivarossi stuff…no worries…you won’t be.

But 2 diners? Even if the Golden Rocket (and that’s what this paint scheme actually represents) had ever sailed, it still had only one diner… Rock Island El Comedor. The SP equipment was never built.


Con-Cor had, and still maybe marketing their passenger cars in the “GOLDEN STATE” paint.

They also did(still do ?) “DAYLIGHT” & “LARK” paint.

I do not know if the cars model a prototype, or just have a “LOOK” of a passenger car.

I actually was on that site! But everybody tells me that IHC is gone and has quit production and all whats left is just the website, but without any function. Or is it still possible to order there??? That would surprise me…

Yes, 2 diners of course. Because the Golden State had a diner (for sleeping car passengers) AND a coffe shop (for the coach passengers). And the coffe shop car looked very similar to the diner (pretty much the same arrangement of windows in the seating and kitchen area). So this is why I want to use a second diner as coffee shop.

Yes, Con-Cor offers Golden State cars, but I really don´t like the Con-Cor cars, since they are much too short and look ugly to me. Really toyish. They offer a dozen of roadnames, but simply none of their streamliner cars is prototypical.