hobby circle mailorder out of brooklyn, new york

has anyone had trouble with dealing with hobbycircle mail order? they advertise in MR. they operate out of brooklyn, NY. Ihad problems with them shipping the wrong merchandise even though order invoice was correct. To make a long story short, they really screwed up my Christmas shopping. word to the wise…order from some place else!!!

I too recently ordered several things from them without a problem. They had the best price I could find on Proto 1k RDCS

I ordered a hard to find boxcar a few months ago - got it with no problems. I have the new Stewart U-boat on order - so we will see!

  • George

Edward, how did they resolve the issue and was it done with your satisfaction or is it still pending?
We can’t crucify them for one clerical error, mistakes happen. Let us know of the resolution.Thanks

In defense…

I ordered a steam loco from them in December (Bachmann Spectrum Shay). They had by far the best price on the internet, they gave me (over the phone) the free shipping code to enter on the order form (!), and the package came across country in four days. I am extremely satisfied and I will order from them again.


Any resolution yet? It’s been a month. I have ordered from them as well without any problem. This media makes it extremely easy for too many to burn dealers and hooby shops when a simple mistake is made. Once the word is out it’s too late and people get a bad reputation.

Please let us know the resolution to your problem. By the replies so far, it seems Hobby Circle does a pretty good job.


i recently used there service and find it superior to others I have used.I even received confirmation of my order from the owner,and they do have the lowest prices that I have seen online.

I Ordered twice from them with no problems and a good price.Sounds like your problem may have just been a fluke, but when someone has a problem its good to ask around just in case there is a bad dealer out there.

I’ve bought from Hobby Circle several times, and asked about product availability a couple.

Availability of SP/UP & Santa Fe was good, they had stuff I couldn’t find elsewhere.

Bought LL SD7 in SP one time, Atlas GP9TT in SP, Atlas SD35, Kato F7A/B in EL (no SP/UP/ATSF), another SD35, A SD60M in UP, then another UP SD60M, and another order of Atlas stock/cattle cars, SP boxcars, SP covered hoppers.

There seems to be some problem with the Online system reporting what is actually shipped, the system said that my first SD60M was shipped with my SP caboose, UP caboose, & two road names of beer can car. But, I got the UP loco, caboose, but my SP caboose and beer can Eastman cars were cancelled… but I wasn’t advised. I was disappointed Dec 26th to find those not shipped, the prior email notice said they were, but the paper with what came didn’t list them except as B/O. I learned later by email when I wanted to add-on my second SD35 & SD60M, that the B/O items had been cancelled.

Have ordered from N-Scale supply several times, Walther’s shop, Miller’s Model Trains, Brooklyn Loco Works, twice -

  1. I want to be billed correctly for what I receive. The packing list amount matches my Visa card bill.
  2. Want to be notified by email correctly of what is actually shipped and when. (need to know when to look for it or get worried)
  3. Want to be notified if my order is cancelled or partial unshipped B/O is cancelled.

Mostly I’m happy. Too many other shops won’t even respond when I ask if a particular item is in stock/available.

Walther’s burned me with my Kato budd ATSF, shipping one set, cancelling the B set. Had the A and B sets reserved. Had to settle for a Burlington B1 set, then found a ATSF B1 on the Trains store site, so spent an extra $80, but when I got both B1 sets from different dealers, each coach car had one broken coupler! Urk! Kato sent me replacements.

I’ve had great luck with caboosehobbies out of Denver. Bob Hall

On my last order, I checked to see if the 2nd number was available in the UP SD60M so I could get both numbers. I ordered it, got confirmation, the shipping docs said they shipped it, but I now have two SD60M units with the same number, #6288 and #6288 instead if #6293. ARGH! I looked at the paperwork, but not closely at the unit with may glasses. Yesterday when I went to run the 2nd unit some more to run it in, noticed it looked like the same number. Put on glasses, looked at the box and loco, DUPLICATES! sigh Can’t send it back cause I have a couple of hours run in on it, it is still tight, that is how I know which is which… the one with less running has more drag.

Another issue was receiving different road names than I ordered and the packing slip said were shipped. Cattle Stock Cars, D&RG, NP and UP, got a different mix.

I think that whoever pulls the orders doesn’t check carefully.

Getting a second number of SD60M was important to me. I’ve had to settle for two of the same when the other number was sold out.


I ordered all my track from this place. It took over a month and many phone calls to get the complete order. First shipment was half there and the invoice said it was complete. They did make good and completed my order eventually after many e-mails and phone calls.

Second shipment eventually arrived over a month from when I first ordered, but it was complete.

I think they have trouble sometimes with there help. Not sure if I would order from them again.

Slow or no communication but they do have great prices.

50/50 chance you will get it though.

Mark in Texas

Don’t accept poor customer service. Send a message and do not buy from them again. It is better to spend an extra few dollars with a mail order house that is responsive to your needs than to save a few bucks and not be satisified.

See my experience with another Manhattan Mail Order House under the new subject of:
Bad Dealers… was RE: Hobby Circ…


Hobby Circle (Brooklyn, NY) has had my order and payment for two weeks (order and payment both confirmed), but have not shipped the merchandise that they showed to be in stock. I sent an e-mail inquiry about my order two business days ago, but have received no acknowledgement of any kind in regard to the e-mail. I’m becoming concerned, so I did some checking and found that apparently I have good reason to be concerned. Please see the following information:


Fortunately, my order was a small one… I certainly won’t ever order from them again.

One of the guys over on www.railroad.net has been waiting for a resolution
since March 4th.

This is the second or third time someone has asked about this place, not a good omen.

My own experience was not good. I ordered a case of flex track and some switches. They sent it in two boxes but on one UPS tracking number. UPS only delivered one package. I had to make many, many phone calls to get them (Hobby Circle) to get it resolved. Last order I placed.

I have ordered track from them twice. Quick turnaround and no mistakes on the order both times.

I just got into (back into?) model rr’ing, and for Christmas, my wife said “order a couple hundred bucks of train stuff”. I saw the Hobby Circle site and couldn’t believe such low prices, so I ordered a lot of things. About 1/3 of my order never showed up. I received an order confirmation when I placed my order, but when I opened the box, I was shocked. Nothing explaining why the shortage. When I contacted them, they said back-order or out of stock. A notice in advance would have been nice. Poor customer service. I won’t buy from them again, no matter how inexpensive they are.

I had the same problem as you enduringexp, as they order much off their stuff through Walthers on other orders I went “shopping” on the walthers site there you can check availability, send them an e-mail with a price-quote request, their prices were good and I got what I ordered!

With GOOD internet dealers on-line, such as ModelTrainStuff, Tony’s Train Exchange, and Train Track, why bother with sellers that have been known to have problems ???

I had trouble with Hobby Circle, too.

But have had none with the others.

Guess who I DON’T buy from ???!!!