Hobo's Unite And Fight Back!!!!! (Up-Armor!!!)

Tired of the Yard Bulls and Cinder Dicks runnin’ Ya down and beating Ya? Well the answer to your prayers is here!!! Pool up some stashed cash with your Bro’s, head down to your local army and navy store and ride off in one of these babies!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Satisfaction guaranteed!!! Comes with an outta sight warranty also!!! (it’s good until you’re outta sight!)[:D]


Where did ja get that? Really cool, does it run?


Very Cool! Ditto what Laz asked, does it run?

Let’s say…eventually it will![sigh]

It’s a Verlinden 1:48 resin kit Scout Rail Car with a PsIII turret. It was quite a challenge to assemble, paint, and weather. My intention is to build it on a Bowser trolley motorized truck. The challenge to that is… the scout body is a solid chunk of resin(something I wasn’t expecting!!![:(!] That’s going to require a lot of drilling, and dremeling which is certainly do-able, but in the middle of my layout rebuild will be shelved until I can get back to it some bored rainy Winter night! Enjoy the shots for now, anyway!!! I’ll get it runnin’!!![:D]

Drilling and dremelling !

Jon, you need to find some ol’ thirsty bo with access to a milling machine and some free time.

LOL, Doug! Not to many hobo’s I run into with access to a CNC!!! [sigh]

They got a machine shop on base ?[:D]

Jon -

Pics are great! I’m jealous of all that lousey weather you guys have, enabling you to do these things.