Reading all these posts about the Hogwarts Express made me interested in it. One day while I was at the shop they had a display model out on the shelf. (With a big sign “NOT FOR SALE”) that was about a month ago. I looked it over and was really impressed by it. I Like the look, styling and construction of the train. The only thing is I really am not a Harry Potter fan and I could honestly say I never seen any of the movies except some parts when my wife was watching them.(She’s a fan) Well today I was just BS ing with the wife and mentoned I was thinking of buying one. But the only thing holding me back was that I’m not a fan of the movies. She said well buy it for Little Carmen. So I got the OK but I just need the push over the edge to save the money and buy one.
I too am not a fan of Harry Potter. I won’t let my kids see the movies or read the books, but that is another subject for another forum. I did get the set though as I have always liked the unusual (to us anyway), look of the european style trains. I would get one, especially if you can get it at the pre-order price. I have yet to run mine, but they do look very good and from what I hear, run well too. The details are probably a bit fragile for a youngster, so you may be better served with getting him/them a Thomas set, but get yourself a HP set.
From what I have read, this is very good ‘starter set’, it’s cast, not plastic, and it’s a UK engine to boot. I do agree that there are small fragile parts. I’d buy it, but am currently focusing on a 3-yo’s cravings of Mickey Mouse and his pals. Buy it for yourself!
I keep hearing about fragile parts on this set. Can anyone be specific and tell us what they are?
My Partner just got one, He’s nuts for it. He said there are some levers on the engine that would go in a mishap. That’s all I know about it. The only thing is most modern toy trains are heading toward more scale size things. All seem to have fragile parts.
Buy It lots of fun. Fragile I didn’t thank so, but there are some plastic add on parts on the tender and the couplers are plastic, I would say the train is not for the very young but I have two four year old grandsons that can run it.Supervise their play.
There are a few detail parts on the loco and the tender that will probably break if mishandled but most of these are not critical. The set is very nicely done, the loco is a real gem.
The handrails on the boiler are a very thin wire which would be easily bent in a crash and there are two brake handles (I think thats what they are) on the front of the tender which are very thin plastic and one of mine came bent and I sweated blood straightening it! Without getting the engine out of its box - I cant do that right now - thats all I can remember but I do know there were a couple of other details I thought were rather fragile. Put it this way, I wouldnt let a kid run this engine on their own nor would I let them get it out of its box or put it away. The mechanical parts are robust enough for sure but it would be a bit of a heartbreaker to see those nice details get busted.
I toyed with teh idea of getting one. A couple of years ago I bought the Polar Express on impulse. It’s a great set, but I won’t run it on my post war layout, so it is packed away 50 weeks out of the year. I kept that in mind when the Hogwarts became available . . .
I have no plans to read a Harry Potter book, or see a movie. I’m not even a fan of non-US trains! I bought this set because it looked great (and it runs great, too). Joe
For those of you who don’t know or like the Harry Potter books, the engine is of a real English Loco.It is a Hall Class loco and the passenger cars are accurate also.I believe with a green paint job you would have The Flying Scotsman,arguably one of the most famous locomotives in thre world.
I got it! This is the best starter set Lionel has issued in the last 30 years. It’s got it all!Track,transformer,claassy 10 wheeler,prototype tender & cars. It runs as well as the K-line starter sets.Try it,your like it! Easter
I’m planning on getting one. I like the detail and the fact that the engine is cast. The transformer is a CW80, so that is a plus. I wouldn’t worry too too much about kids and this train set or in general any entry level set. The only thing I would say about it is SUPERVISION!!! Until kids learn respect for things, I don’t allow 'em to be running this stuff solo. I know of some kids that can run a TMCC layout and they are 5 or 6. Just depends on how they’re brought up and how they’re taught.
Those GWR fans are still hunting you down Bob![:D] I understand they have been watching the The Blue Comet episode of the Sopranos for “research purposes”[;)]
Yes get it. I do love mine, even if I had to re-learn how to run it correctly. It’s a great looking engine and the consist looks good too. The only thing I plan on doing it putting some weight in the tender to give it a little more substantial feel. I really hope they come out with a railsounds tender for it. I was even thinking of getting an old Railsounds 4.0 K-line tender and swapping it into the Hogwarts tender. At least it would give a chug and brake squeal while running.