Home made static grass aplicator

Every one is sold out on the 12V Negative Ion Generator…why is the 120V so dangerous?


Don Carman

Because 120VAC wiring can be an issue, Just wait - these neg ion generators come and go. Did you check on eBay?


The 2010 March-April issue of Model Railroad Hobbyist showed how to make one from an electronic fly swatter. Harbor Freight has them on sale for $3.99. I don’t think you can find a generator cheaper. It is HF number 40122. Pretty hard to go wrong at that price.


Here’s a “how to” on making the fly-swatter version …



Myself and another guy purchased this Negative Ion generator from this place and he has his finished and working great. I havent built mine yet but getting ready to. Not sure if they have them instock anymore or not but could give them a call to find out.



The 12 volt ION generator has become hard to find. There is nothing dangerous about the 120V model, IF YOU ARE ABLE TO WORK SAFELY WITH HOUSEHOLD AC, while building it!

If you are not experienced with AC don’t mess with it. I am experienced and my applicator is the 120 volt model.

The DC voltage ION generators are still available in the US from Model-Trains-Video.com, The unit they sell is NOT 12 volt however, not that it matters. It can be powered with less than nine volts as I recall.

Just built mine last month – 6-9 volts is the power. Didn’t have a power supply in that range, so had to buy one from Radio Shack. Also, the new generator does NOT fit in the handle like the old one does as shown in the video. I simply used a machine screw and mounted it on top of the container. I also used a toggle switch by drilling a hole in the handle, rather than messing with the slide switch. If you do this, put your switch on the opposite side of where you mount the ion generator – it will help balance it out when using it.

This thing works great and even buying all the parts I’ve got maybe $50 in it. Be warned, it’s addictive to use. I’m thinking about pulling up my carpet and doing my whole house in static grass…

Built mine yesterday works great, 4.99 for the electric fly swatter at harbor freight and 1.00 for the strainer at the dollar store took me about 15 mins to build it… Bought 2 rechargeable d batteries while at HF for 4.99 so wasen’t bad for the price and it works great, Jim.