Dave asked in the Weekend Photo Fun thread how I powered my rail truck. Here’s the Readers Digest version.
The motor was purchased on E-bay. I believe these are motors used in self-winding film cameras or at least are used in digital cameras for lens foucus.
The drive is a rubber band drive similar to the old Athearn drives, only not as fast. The reduction gear box makes it run real slow. I’ll link to a U-tube vido so you can see. I found out this rubber band, used to hold a females hair in a pony tail, streched after use. I’m now using a belt drive from a British source. The belts are square and don’t stretch.
The picture still has the old rubber band drive.
The power source will be batteries. It will be controled with a 2.4Ghz transmitter/reciever. Not yet purchased. Although I do have a source.
Two 3.7 volt lithum batteries will power the 5 volt motor and receiver.
My battery source is from these small helicopters. A person I know did a little bit of dumpster diving at a store that was throwing them out. He retrieved about a dozen or so of these.
So that’s the short version of building the rail truck. The second video has a link to how I built the rail truck.
The first video I use the 3.7 volt l