Hooking up accessories to RW transformer

Help! My wife has a RW transformer to go with the rest of her 1952 train set (2056 engine, tender, track, et al) and although I figured out what to do to hook the transformer to the track…and the engine works…I don’t know anything about how to hook up either of the two track changers to be able to operate them via the transformer. I am a pure neophyte about trains; but I am an industrial maintenance mech., so if someone could tell me how to wire them in I can do it.

Track changer? That is definitely a term I have never heard before. :slight_smile: Are we talking about a switch?

What is the model number of the track ch…er switch you wish to connect?

If you are talking about switch tracks (or turnouts), and if you have 027 track, then they are powered directly from the track. If you have ‘0’ track, then you have the option of powering them either from the track, or an accessory terminal of your transformer. A picture of what you have will help determine what you have and how to hook it up.


Okay, okay… I’m still learning the nomenclature. It is “O” gauge track and it is a track switch. On it’s base there are two posts for a coil, and an arm that appears to move the track back and forth. It seems to me that I would have to put a three -way switch inline with the power coming from the transformer to be able to activate the track switcher (turnout) in either direction.

First, am I right?

Second, what is the voltage I should use from the transformer?

Third, on the RW transformer, what causes the light (red) to come on?

Are there any numbers on the switch? It sounds like if there is a lever to move the points, then you may have a manual switch, and not an electrically operated switch. If no numbers are seen, a picture is a must.

See here for some pictures of various switches to help identify what you have.

The red light comes on when there is an overload or short circuit condition.
