I am not a big fan of Bachmann locomotives, albeit I will admit that I have not purchased one in over two years. I got the 44 T switcher and it was herky jerky at low speeds, and sometimes would have to really give it a juice boost to get it started. I admit that the Bachmanns are priced very reasonably but unless the quality has improved over the last two years, I wont be buying any more.
I had one of the earlier 44 T switchers and it did the same thing. I since replaced it with a newer DCC equipped one and it runs great, but being as short a wheelbase as it is, there are times when it balks going through turnouts. All of the other Bachmann loco’s I have run great.
My grandson’s HO 4x6 HO layout has two DC engines: the 4-8-4 Overland set (about $150+ on sale I recall) plus a diesel (U23?) that I recall was about $40 and both run well except the 4-8-4 ability to negotiate EZ track turnouts diverging route.
On my layout I’ve added a DCC w/sound Mogul which is a cute little guy that runs well and is one of my granddaughter’s favorites. I would buy several more Bachmann steamers if available in UP, DCC with sound. Hoping most for such in consolidations and other small to medium steamers. I’m hoping that they will find enough demand to pay extra (beyond DCC only) for the sound. I’d buy Spectrum if available but “plainer” ones if with sound. Patience is a virtue (that I’m working on).
[quote user=“farrellaa”]
I had one of the earlier 44 T switchers and it did the same thing. I since replaced it with a newer DCC equipped one and it runs great, but being as short a wheelbase as it is, there are times when it balks going through turnouts. All of the other Bachmann loco’s I have run great. -Bob[/quote
If you mean the engine stutters when passing through an insul frog when you say the engine balks going through the turnouts, then try wiring the frog. That will take care of it I’m sure
Joe C
I need to get in contact with them about repairing a 2-6-0 Parie I got awhile back… I tried programming it, and the DCC chip blew out.
Bachmann has come a long way from the 70’s and early 80’s when it rivaled Life Like as being one the worst HO buys on the market. Back then, it was famous for making terrible runners and poor detail, fit and finish. They were cheap in every possible sense of the word back then. They have pulled themselves out of the mud to become one of the finest MR companies of the new millenium.
They have, still, managed to hold the prices down a bit, even in their premium spectrum line. They virtually created On30 and own that market! Some savy and caring folks there now. I don’t ever remember an MR company going from the lowest end to being among the highest and most respected end of the biz for as long as I have been in this hobby. A real Cinderella story.
Even though I am out of HO standard gauge, I have bought two or three of their HO Spectrum Line items, just because they were too pretty not to own.
I’d agree to a point. I’ve been satisfied with their diesels and have gotten good performance out of their Spectrum line of steamers, but I’ve had three of their standard line steamers and none would stay on the track.
A big [Y] to Bachmann, the only two locomotives I have on my layout are a 2-8-0 Consolidation and an RS-3. If it wasn’t for Bachmann, younger and newer folks to the hobby( like me) probably wouldn’t been able to start. Round of applause to Bachmann.
Bachmann quality has come a long way from the old days when many model railroaders called the company Botchman.
got me a 2 6 0…runs perfect…detail to me is really good. forget the old bachmann, new ballgame now
Proud owner of a lone Bachmann Spectrum 4-8-2 light mountain, wouldn’t have it any other way. besides I needed something to get the NP’s repo up in my fleet.
Bachmann has surpised me of late, they had the ole PCC cars, but then came out with the Peter Witt, then the Birney, someone there’s gots the smarts. I have the EM-1, and 2-10-2, 4-8-2, high drivered 4-6-0, 0-6-0, 2-6-6-2… I own the older N&W J 4-8-4 but its mechanism will be changed to the Bowser, plus the older SP Gs-4 4-8-4 will be swapped for the Bowser drive. (bowser steam kits no longer in stock, parts available tho) so yay bachmann for now, I do own brass but when a rare model finally hits the plastic market, I don’t care what its made of, brass, plastic, if it fits my scheme, I’m all over it.