How Big Boy No. 4014 can roll from the fairgrounds

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How Big Boy No. 4014 can roll from the fairgrounds

Sounds like fodder for a future “Modern Marvels” TV program, or is there one called “MegaMovers” too?

Did UP cut the drivers on this locomotive like they did Big Boy 4018 in Dallas? Maybe the folks in LA could get some advice from the folks in Dallas on their experiences on moving a locomotive this large.

Did UP cut the drivers on this locomotive like they did Big Boy 4018 in Dallas? Maybe the folks in LA could get some advice from the folks in Dallas on their experiences on moving a locomotive this large.

Did UP cut the drivers on this locomotive like they did Big Boy 4018 in Dallas? Maybe the folks in LA could get some advice from the folks in Dallas on their experiences on moving a locomotive this large.

A GIANT CARGO HELICOPTER? ??? This is a very big locomotive.

I will miss this locomotive as it has been at the fair grounds all my life. Ps. How did they move it across the fair grounds from behind the barns back in the 80’s?

I believe there was a Mega Movers episode in the past about moving the Big Boy in Nebraska to them park with the Centennial.

Sell tkts to watch the move

Whatever helicopter in the world today has the greatest lifting capability, it could not come even remotely close to being capable of lifting a Big Boy. No, I’d expect a non-rail move to a spur that would connect to a line that would allow it to then travel in tow to Cheyenne. This doesn’t sound like such a huge undertaking until you remember that it isn’t on track connected to the UP (or any other rails, for that matter.) And this is just the first step. What an amazing commitment UP is making! Can’t wait to see it under steam.

UP needs to make a documentary on moving the 4014 and make it available tot he public maybe by offering it to Public TV nationwide.

Omaha, NE moved Big Boy 4023 and Centennial 6900 several miles over city streets and active mainlines on hydraulic mover dollies. Took about a day each to move them. Could be a viable option for the 4014.

Karl, you are correct. I was the Operating manager on the move of the Big Boy & Centennial from the former UP Station to the display overlooking I-80 in Omaha. The tender was loaded on a large flat bed truck. The locomotive was loaded on a huge platform with dozens of powered wheels. Large timber mats were laid down in unpaved areas. A Mega Movers crew filmed the move. This would be best for the upcoming move.

The 2 sets of tracks north of the fairgrounds belonged to Santa Fe and to Pacific Electric. Now they belong to Metrolink, with BNSF trackage rights. The Big Boy could be moved on Metrolink’s tracks to San Bernardino, then on to the UP/BNSF tracks through Cajon Pass.

This will be an interesting project to watch. First thing that comes to mind in looking at the over head views is that some of the other rolling stock at the fairgrounds will need to be moved just to get to the 4014. Then I would think that some track would need to be laid to get it out in the open so that there would be room to work on it. Once ready to move I would think the Heavy Equipment Movers could either move it across the parking lot to the Metrolink line or across town to somewhere like Montclare to the UP mainline. Moving something that big on city streets will be interesting, lots of clearance issues and traffic jambs.

We’re probably going to be in the area in January - I was hoping the move would be delayed for us to see it there. :slight_smile: And the issues with the Dallas engine made that sound possible. But it sounds like UP might have it out this year.

Having recently visited the UP Museum in Cheyenne, WY I was very impressed with the enormous size of the Big Boy on display in a Cheyenne city park. This undertaking of moving a 598 ton piece of an “engineering marvel” should definitely be preserved by a movie film company if not being able to witness it in person. Carl Carlton - Clinton Twp. MIchigan

As interesting as the move across the parking lot will be, I am looking forward to the move to Cheyenne. It will be fascinating to see how they move it, either rails or road. I’m assuming it will be by rail with the bearing work. It will be a slow process.

Would be nice to see the move live via webcast, maybe for a price. Then Big Boy enthusiasts around the world could feel like they’re helping to pay for its preservation. Would be great P.R., too.

I imagine someone will start a thread in Trains Forums where Pictures and Video of the project can be posted.