How do I replace Marklin couplers with Fleischmann HO Profi couplers

I have a number of Roco cars with three types of Marklin couplers. They do not have NEM pockets and one type have a small wire C ring. Any suggestions on what alterations I can make so that I refit some if not all with Profi couplers.

The Marklin couplers have the “circular” ring as part of the hitch.


Why bother? Marklin style standard couplers are compatible with Marklin’s close couplers whereas Fleischmann Profi couplers are NOT compatible with Fleischmann standard couplers.

Then there’s this guy’s comments ( toward bottom of page): Note the comments on Roco’s “Universal” couplers.

You could also body mount Kadees and use Kadee 17, 18, 19 and 20 couplers with stock that has the NEM pocket.

EDIT: Or you might want to take a look at the Swedish TB couplers, which are totally home made and virtually invisible under most viewing angles. This page contains a description as well as links to drawings, photos and building instructions. It’s kind of an interesting idea, especially if it allows you to have dummy screw link couplers on the buffer beam.

Links are at bottom of page. The price of the things certainly would be right.


If I’m understanding your question correctly, you would like to install Fleischmann Profi couplers on older HO scale Roco cars that don’t have NEM pockets. That means your first task is the install NEM pockets, and I can think of two ways to do this.

The first would be to use a Symoba NEM conversion kit ( The Symoba system is very flexible and requires very little space; check their website for details. The second option would be to use one of the two Roco conversion kits, either 40343 or 40344. The Roco kits also work very well but are slightly larger. Once you have NEM pockets on the cars, you can put Fleischmann Profi couplers in the pockets. The most critical things will be getting the pockets at the right height and making sure that they clear the axles.

Good luck, and thanks for reading Model Railroader!


Before HOnovice goes in the Profi direction, he might want to look at Web comments relative to the pros and cons of various European coupling systems. One of the downsides of the Profi coupler appears to be the excessive force needed to couple up. From what I’ve read, you’re as likely to push the car down the track as couple to it.

'Course. the Symoba conversion system can be used for any coupling system with an NEM 362 shaft, including Kadees.

I knew there was a company out there that made a conversion system for cars not having the NEM system, I just couldn’t remember what it was. Thanks for the reminder.


Thank you for the suggestions-- maybe the simplest solution may be to dedicate one engine to hauling and yarding the Roco cars and change the Profi coupler on the engine to a Marklin or compatiable coupler.

Sounds like you’ve got one or more Fleischmann engines. Which ones? Some of them have the NEM shaft that’ll take the plug-in couplers.


I have two engines FL 4141(01) and FL 4175. neither have the NEM shaft instead the Profi coupler is attached by a small screw or pin.

thanks for your valued feedback Andre

Has anyone replaced their European couplers with Roco 40343 or 40344?? Still looking for alternatives in replacing my Marklin couplers as well as Liliput C spring type couplers.

thanx HO novice

I learned today that if you live in the U.S., you can purchase Symoba coupler pockets from
