How do I ?

Was it Rodney Dangerfield, who said he came home from summer camp, and found out his parents had moved?

If I read a post, how do I get back to the main listing to read a different post? The old board had a box at the bottom thst said “general discussion” or something like that. Push taht button, and you magically left OZ and were back in Kansas

This will probably be screwed up until next week.

This will, or I will?[(-D]

I’ve noticed the same thing. On the ‘old’ forum, you could get back to the main indexes from either the top or the bottom of the page. Now, after you read down a thread, you have to scroll back to the top to return to the index. Certainly not a major issue, but an inconvenience when compared to before.

Agreed, I noticed that too. Maybe they are still working out the details?

At the top! [D)] OK. Now I get it. You guys wouldn’t believe how I was getting back there.[:I]

I see we now have spell checking. But did we lose the ability to highlight in colors?

Yep. Although somehow some of the members are posting different fonts/font sizes- how did you do that, Houston Ed?

Gotta learn a little HTML. The 3um can be good for that… [}:)]

Okay, I’ll play nice. Click on the “HTML” icon atop the posting box. Before any of the other content, including the

, type:

At the end of your post, type to close things out. One thing to beware, however, is that not every user may have the same font as you. Quite likely, most users won’t have some more-specialized fonts. So stick with Arial (the default), Georgia, Verdana, Tahoma, Courier, and Times New Roman.

I noticed that feature is now missing as well. In web terms it is called a bread crumb because it allows you to follow the path back from which you came. Here is the bread crumb that is now only at the top of this page: Forums » TRAINS Magazine Forums » General Discussion » How do I ?

It is definitely most useful at the bottom of the page, since that’s where you are when you finish reading all of the posts in a thread. And given that the new advertisement column on the right side of the page makes the posts narrower and longer, the fact that the bread crumb is not at the bottom of the page makes this more of a nuisance. A minor one, but it adds up fast since it applies to every thread. Jamie

Yeah, I know- and I claim to be a software engineer, too [sigh]- maybe when I retire I’ll have time to play with this stuff. My forte’ is assembly language, though…

Hmmm, a little cutting and pasting in the HTML window works pretty well!

EDIT: Found another way to do it- select “Update Profile” under “My Profile” to the right, select the “Site Options” tab, and change Content Editor to “Enhanced”. Save that change, and from then on you’ll have extra buttons to choose from when you make a post!

Wrote the doc in Word, then cut and paste without using the “Paste from Word” feature on the tool bar…which I tried at first but it didn’t work.

Awesome, thanks for finding that, Brian! Works even easier now!

All you have to do is go to the upper left corner of your screen and hit “Back Arrow”

Didn’t we do this last year? [banghead]

The only way I’ve found is to scroll back up to the top of the screen and select from there.

I use the tab feature in Firefox to open up a thread in a different tab, and thus am able to leave the main listing in its own tab. This is made a bit easier on the version of FF as opening a new tab is done by clicking on the link with the middle mouse button.

Try this:

Press Ctrl/home. I know you have to touch the keyboard, but it jumps you back to the top no matter where you are in the list…Sure beats scrolling with the mouse, or even worse, the touchpad.