How do u make decals?

Since I am not modeling a prototype line and doing a freelance deal, I was wondering if there are any good ways to make decals. I bought testors decal maker but I don’t think this will solve my problem. Can MS word work or is that alot of work to set up and get right. I thought since I can’t start building a layout until we move I could at least paint and decal the ol fleet. Any suggestions would be a great help…

Thanks again


  1. You really need a decent graphics program , although many people get by using MS paint , MS works etc. I use paintshop Pro from before Corel took it over. It has great functions for sizing and layout.

  2. a good printer helps make them come out well, Mine is not a great printer it’s an Epson 780. Does a decent job.

  3. Good decal film. Personally the best I’ve found so far is from Micro-Mark. I’ve tried many brands get clear and white. If your using an ink jet printer get ink jet paper. If your using a laser printer get laser paper.

  4. After printing your decals, seal them well to prevent the ink from being affected by the water. I use Krylon clear spray, some people use future floor finish or some other similar product.

This just a basic run down , I have produced decals for all my trucks on my layout as well as my private roadname emblems and lettering. And I’ll say this , I’m still learning throughout the whole process.

How good is a hp deskjet 5940? Where do I get decal paper from? Where can I get the program you are using? Is it pretty user friendly or no.

Thanks again


The challenge with decals is that unless you have special printer, you can’t print white. And you guessed it, the vast majority of cars are a dark color with white lettering. The only way around that is to get a special printer ($$$) or use white decal paper and print the text reversed with a background the color of the car.

Dave H.

HMmmm. Never even thought about not printing white. Now that throws a loop into everything.[D)]. Well I guess it is back to the ol drawing board. Any idea how much a printer that prints white costs??


You ask a good question. Overall it is not difficult to do, you just need the right equipment.

The printer that Dave references is an ALPS printer. IIRC, they are no longer being produced because of a lawsuit regarding copyright issues. I remember looking at one years ago when you could get them in the stores and passing at the time.

Dave, is also correct with a printer or photocopier’s ability to print white. It can’t! The white areas are left blank for the paper to provide.

To make your own decals it is best to have some kind of graphic software such as Adobe Photoshop. If all you want is simple text then might be able to get by with something like MS Word. My preferred technique is to create what ever image I want a decal of on the computer and to then print it out on either a color laser printer or an inkjet printer at its highest quality setting on photo quality paper. I then take the printout and blank decal paper to the local copy store and have them make a photocopy onto the decal paper. 3 minutes and $1 later you have a sheet of custom decals. The next step is to apply a light coat of dullcoat to seal the copier toner. After that you apply like regular decals. You can get decal paper from Microscale, Walthers or Micro-mark. I like to full size 8.5 x 11 size.

Here’s my latest example, made on Saturday.

The most important thing is you need a good quality image to start with.

Since you’re in the area, email me directly and I can provide you more details and maybe help you out.


I use an HP 722C, which is kind of an old model now, but it still works fine. I’ve been using a decal paper called “Experts Choice” because that’s what’s available, and I’ve got to go to a hobby shop further than my LHS even for that. Check Walthers - I think they’ve got some decal paper on sale right now.

I use MS Word. For lettering, it’s great. I search the web for a font I like, if I want something other than ordinary lettering. For hand-drawn graphics and editing, I usually use MS Paint, because it’s on the machine and I don’t need much more than a simple pixel-level editor. For anything complicated, I find the picture I want on the web and download it.

I try to print a whole row of decals across the top of the page. I shift the margins up as high as I can, and as far to the left and right as well. That way I can get more decals on the page. Once I print my row, I cut right below it with a paper cutter, and then I can feed the rest of the paper back through the printer again next time. Decal paper is expensive, so use it carefully.

If you apply your decals to a smooth surface, you’ll get good clean results. Use a satin or gloss finish spray to get that, if necessary:

On the other hand, if you want a “weathered” sign, then apply the decal to a rough surface:

The second picture was printed on clear decal paper, so only the actual graphics were present. To get the white background, I painted a white rectangle on the fence with cheap acrylic paint, and applied the decal over it after it dried. Note that you can’t print white on your decal paper - it will come out clear. If you really, really want white, you can get white-backed decal paper, but then you’ve got to trim it very ca

On the subject of white , this is what I do:

I paint on the item a white patch behind the object that I need to be white. It’s tricky. In the case of lettering I actually make a stencil that is the same as the decal will be and paint the white in place. If that is needed. It depends on your application.The surrounding area of the decal I match to the overall color I’m covering. I trim close because matching is never perfect. I still use the white decal paper. The white on white brings it out more. The printers that do white are very expensive and one that used to be the standard is no longer supported by the manufacturer (ALPS). Your HP should do a fine job.


I have been doing art for decals and printing decals for 20 years. Number one item when it comes to decals is art. If you want your decals to look like Microscale or other store bought decals you have to have a vector art program like AI or CorelDraw. The MS pgms or paint are OK if you do not mind your decals having the bitmap edges that give you a sawtooth or ragged edge. It just depends how picky you want to be.

Next is the printer. ALPS, and the OKI and Kodak clones, were the very best. They printed white, metallic gold leaf and silver. They are no longer on the market. Cost was the only factor for the demise of the printers, never heard the copyright issue?? (ALPS were expensive to buy and run, and a bit tricky when compared to a $29 HP at WalMart) Laser and ink jet printers will not print white, silver or gold. So if you need white letters on a black hopper you have to print on white paper and trim…it’s not the best solution. Also if you print red letters/logo and apply to a yellow box car…it’s going to turn a bit green/blue as the ink is translucent.

Today’s best solution? Find someone that still does short runs. Or find a local screen printer and supply them with some Walthers clear blank paper. A small run should last a LONG time. I’d be happy to answer any specific questions anyone might have but it’s a bit of a big topic to cover in a BB answer. Thanks

thanks for the advise check your email.


Thanks everyone for the help. dvan do you know of anyone out there that is willing to make short run stuff. I do not know of a printer around here where I live, unless jktrains knows of one.

Actually, there is a way to create white printed decals without going to a screen printer. Its from an outfit called SuperCal. I have not used it yet, but plan to try it soon.



that looks pretty slick. I think I will have to try it. Thanks.

I use microscale for my decals. They work pretty good. I don’t have the fancy printer for custom work yet. This will be a good topic to come back to. I know this will be off topic and I’m sorry, but jktrains will the car Smurftastic hit eBay? I think it would pull alot of money. I saw it awhile back, on another train website. I thought $$$$$$. Sorry for the off topic question rs2mike. [;)]

Robby, I hadn’t planned on it. I do my own work for my own enjoyment, not to sale it. I look at the weathered models that people sell on Ebay and wonder who would pay that much some of that stuff. I’ve been tempted to go that route, but this is my hobby, the minute you make it a business it ceases to be fun and becomes a job. If people asked me to do some I might, but I’m not into the speculative market.

Mike - I got no email. have you check you private messages yet?

Sorry i went out to see what i was good for in a house payment… Never got a pm

jk I got your pm today and I sent you one back let me know if you got it. I may be doing something wrong here.

I corresponded with maker of the white decal process. In reading the instructions on the web site it appears to be a good solution to designing decals with white lettering. I inquired if it would be possible to also use either silver or gold powders and the reply was “Yes, you can use any embossing powders”. This opens up a whole new realm of possibilites for decal design.

I was wondering that but had not found the time to call them thanks BigRusty!!