How Do You Think Of A Live Chat Room????

Just A Thought ???[:)]

I personally can’t stand live chat. I don’t type fast enough and prefer the more considered pace of a place like this.

I agree with Simon. I can’t type fast enough either, and it gets really hard to follow when there’s 5 or more people in the room.

I suppose it’s better than a dead chat room!

I have no problem with a chat room with 8-12 people. Half usually don’t type anything and the others usually break into groups of 2 or 3. Then you only follow the conversations you are involved in.

I wont let the teenager on any chat rooms, she says that I’m on one (here) but I say it’s just a bunch of train guys, generally talking about trains.

There’s too many weirdos out there and you just don’t know that a another teenager is not a 40 yr old nutter!!


i already spend too much time reading about train stuff (rather than actually doing something ) i can just imagine sitting here in a chat room all day waiting for somebody to show up and say something interesting [:)]

alot of point ,i agree with you guys,what would you think, of as a select list???

I have been to a few online “model railroad” chat rooms. After about twenty minutes of
watching and reading, I finally chimed in and asked “the” question… “does anyone here
talk about model railroading?” I think you will find that chat rooms are for teens and that’s
about it. They are usually more interested in “chat” than model railroading or what ever the
topic of the room may be. In other words, the chat rooms are more for the kiddies… I’ll stick
with this type of media for discussing model railroading. Good luck, Dave

Not here – Kalmbach doesn’t have enough bandwidth to support such an endeavor. This site gets too slow sometimes, even with a cable modem.

Can somebody explain ‘bandwidth’? What IS that exactly?

Basically, bandwidth is like the size of fire-hose you have to do the work. This forum requires what is called narrow band-width because your responses have to be posted, then accepted, then placed on the page, all in five or six times the time that a live chatroom discussion takes place. In order for the host to run a live chatroom, that entity will have purchased additional bandwidth from the service provider and have their own servers with sufficient capacity…I think that should be close enough to the truth.

Bandwidth is like information processing capacity in real time.

Oops, I guess if I was going to post on this thread, I should at least provide an answer to the original question.

I would not use a chatroom because I enjoy considering my responses more than I would end up doing in the ‘room’, and I know that I would get into trouble before long.

Also, it would eat up more time than I currently have while still browsing through all of the non-chatroom threads here.

I’m not particularly interested. This forum allows an exchange of ideas at a pace we each can manage. I can get on in the morning, or the evening, etc read what others said, add my comments, and move on.

I voted no. I prefer the forum. I can read what others have asked or said at my leisure and from my experience with chat rooms, very often it’s way off topic and also on a forum like this one you know your among friends with the same inerests. Besides, a forum gives you time to think out your answers and questions. Also the great advice and help given here, can be looked up at a later time. Chat rooms may be fine for some but not for me. Ken

From what I’ve seen of live chat rooms they normally get way off topic and never return or just briefly. I personally don’t like them . Take a look at the coffee shop sry to pick as am probally one of the biggest offenders in there as I don’t have a digital camera to put pics of mine up but a lot of the talk isn’t train talk and thats just a forum style and a few try to get it back on track but it really don’t happen but its still a great place to shoot the breeze with each other and you don’t need to have a live chat the coffee house does great a live .

I voted no, why change a good thing.


I thinks it a good idea. I might not type fast enought but I can read pretty quick.

Ya’ll would get really tired of waiting on me to type (Gee, I said that like someone out there in cyber land would be listening to me anyway, LOL). [:D] I’d rather stick to the forum.

I am in a live chat room every night and can say it is a lot of fun and you do get to know your follow forum members…I am not a fasr typer seeing I type with one finger but I am able to keep up.Those that hasn’t tried it might be missing out on a fun time.