How does one become an advocate for chocolate cupc

There has been several posting mentioning an elsusive chocolate cake, and a apparent attempt by this cake to avoid consumption, by not blowing it’s horn, ringing it’s bell, and having bad triangeluar sight lines.
Beside Martha, does anyone know how we can correct this erratic behavior by a member of the fourth food group? We would like it to sit still, so we can slice it into enough parts to make matt, kev and jenny happy, but it seems to have absconded with federal funds earmarked for the protection of veggietables at the dip platter, and is hiding out somewhere.
We are forming a committee to send out junk mail to all the cake bakers web sites in an attempt to foster ill will towards chocolate cake, and its ilk, because we are in favor of cupcakes instead of cake.

I’m sure if matt said please mamma would make another cake.As for your closet GE makes light bulbs as well as locomotives.
stay safe

Ketchup and chees… man my sister does that on her Kraft Dinner… and it makes me sick just to watch… who could mix those to

imagine the evil ketchup bacteria mixing with the harmless cheese bacteria causes some bacterium overlord that will threaten each on of your sanity and health… i ahveno clue what i jsut said… but i know this

cheese and ketchup are usless together like microphones at a brittney spears consert… useless


Oh Ed
.Hey ED

am i the only one who doesn’t get it?

Detour kev

Kev, I agree, usefull as Elk antlers on a butterfly. Zip, nada, nothing, zilch.

You mean the sound of garbage being dropped in the street?
We intend to address the litter bug issue shortly.
The Unihead Ed

AP and Ruters news service release: 06/05/03


An appearent pantry revolt has occured in the secret Unihead Compound somehwere outside Houston, Texas. An AP stringer reported seeing The Unihead Ed being chased around the compound by his wife, Aimee, who was wielding a large loaf of french bread, and was seen to strike the Unihead several times about the head and shoulders with the loaf, screaming “you better change your mind”.
Shortly thereafter, in a quickly called press conference, a spokesperson for the Unihead, who asked not to be identified, read this from a prepaired statement.
“The Unihead Ed, in an attempt to restore peace and tranquility to the pantry, and in response to an earlier mentioned summit on cakes and cupcakes, has declared chocolate cake, with or without sprinkles, to be the offical confection of all Uniheads. Cupcakes will be returned to its earlier status as a CCRE, (CupCakes Ready to Eat)similar to the MREs of the armed forces.”
This seems to reverse an earlier decision to place cupcakes on the same level as cake.
In response to a direct question, the spokesperson quoted the Unihead as saying, "We were mis-lead by people who, at first, seemed genuinely to care about the cupcake and cake issue, but later seemed intent to only stir dissent amoungist the food loving Uniheads. Their underhanded tactics of first posing as friends of the chocolate cake, but then introducing web sites devoted to cake haters, followed by their slanderous and misleading statements and their glareing ommisions and twisting of all the facts to fit their needs lead us astray, at first. But we reconized their foul stench quickly, due in part from having had to deal with them in the past, and acted quickly to set things in their proper perspective. As pointed out by an adviser, cupcakes are uniquely designed to be a cake that can be “cupped” in the hand, and comsumed by an individual, with no slicing or cutting required. We find this

Sir Unihead Ed,
The Brotherhood of food Scroungers gleefully accepts your retraction of previous aggregeous statements against Chocolate Cake. Now peace and pieces can again reign supreme in the pantry.

However, this brings up two interesting questions.

  1. Is the pantry actually where Jenny was hiding ?

  2. got milk ???

Chief Scrounge BfS


Didn’t read all the way down the thread, but I have a “sure-fire” recipie for some “kick-A&*” brownies. As a batchelor, I have to do my own cooking. I never go on a railfan trip without firing up a batch of these heavenly delights.
If anyone is interested in the recipie, let me know, and I’ll post it here on this thread.
Todd C.

You are right Joe. The light just came on!

Order another cake, we have worn this one out!


Ed & Lowell:

Ed, tell Aimee not to waste good french bread. I know we must let them eat cake, but bread is good, too.

Lowell - the pantry is the only place I hide - I get all my food for thought there!

And I think we are milking this for all it is worth!

And… I’m baaack…


this conjures up quite a picture!


Sure! And if you need items from the pantry - let me know -

Lowell is bringing milk!

Missouri is in charge of refuse removal…it needs to go all the way to China.


Ed: Forget the cake - Lowell ate it! And some little tornado helped him!

I am really bummed!


PS Did you say veggie and dip platter? mmmmmm

I have pictures of said cake whats left of it and the person responsible in the the way how do you think martha will color match that prison orange jumpsuit with anything?
have a great weekend
stay safe

it better be a good vegie dip plateer… no “blue cheese dip”

the blue in blue cheese looks green to me… kinda like mold.

so let’s skip that dip

Detour kev.

psst Kev - that is mold…


AHHHH who in their right mind would eat MOLDY chees?

blah balh so gross…

detour kev.

and truffles and foie gras and caviar…

I am with you!
