How does one become an advocate for chocolate cupc

Well, its sad, but stripes went out in the 90s, so she will just have to do with a contrasting pair of shower sandels and a scarf. And I bet they make her a kitchen trustee.
S*** on a shingle with au jous and home baked shingles? Yumm.
Stay Frosty,
Th Unihead Ed

Kev, you know what the blue stuff in Blu Cheese is? Mold.
Say Frosty,
The Unihead Ed

Kev, know what cheese is? Moldy curddled milk, with bactieria and some yeast spores.
Yummy. By the way, the bactieria and mold in most cheese is user friendly, it lives in your stomach, and helps digest food and dairy products.
Grossed out yet?
Stay Frosty,
The Unihead Ed

To: Your Great Uniheadedness Sir Ed,
Usually you make sense or at least good humor. That is, up until the last paragraph of the above referenced post. In the last paragraph YOU HAVE GONE TOOOO FAR !! In my position as Chief Scrounge in the Brotherhood of Food Scroungers I simply must warn you that any actions taken against the institution of “Chocolate Cake” and ALL of it’s residents, even including the lowly cup cake, MUST be opposed by our organization. This is a warning slash across your bow. Failure on your part to rescind the noxious order to “foster ill will towards chocolate cake” will certainly result in an armed, with cake knives, uprising of the BfS forces. I warn you now, WE ARE LEGION. AND have representatives in ALL cities, towns and villages. Worldwide. Use care your Uniheadedness, as there are forces within your organization that WILL side with BfS. In the interests of preventing outright conflict I will expose one of our moles in your organization. Jenny is a closet BfS represntative. Even if she does not know it, her past actions prove the point . . .

We are allowing a 24 hour cooling off period, on your part, hopefully expecting a retraction of your ill advised and offensive directive in order to prevent a crumby global conflict.

Do not pooh-pooh our cake knives, they are forged from 20 pound dry yard rail. Good quality steel.

Chief Scrounge of BfS


PS: It was really Jenny who ate the original cake. She just beat me to it. Darn . . .

Lowell - it is getting crowded here in this closet! Seems to be a lot of people and they keep squashing my chocolate cake!!! Oops - I mean You Sir are a cad!!! Calling me a closet queen! I will have to take this up with the Knights of the Roundtable at our next Unihead meeting - Uniheads will roll!


anybody who would mention ‘slice’ and ‘cupcake’ together is awful sick… civilized people eat them whole, because they know it is ‘cake’ that is ‘cupped’ and eaten in the hand, without assistance from violence-prone instruments such as knives and forks…

about the components of cheese… there is nothing so distasteful that is not improved when covered by a great serving of catsup, or as they say in texas, ketchup…


No no no! Cheese should be melted and then eaten - and no American! Only Cheddar. And cottage cheese should be sprinkled with a little sugar and then eaten raw!

Closet Queen U…

To All:
After several sincere and earnest discussions with close advisors, I will call an emergency meeting of the Unihead Grand Conusel, with the equality of cake versus cup cakes first on the agenda. The advised atempt to foster ill will towards chocolate cake was a mis-interpertaion of several cake bakers web sites, which purported to support the safe comsumption of cake, but were, in fact, really fronts for cake hater organizations determined to twist facts about chcolate cakes and promote their wish for cup cakes to be in the forefront of baked products. In as much as we wio be fair, we will explore the pros and cons of both cakes in whole, and cup cakes as a portable version of the cake proper.
Note too, that is has been brought to our attention that BfSers seem to have an inexhaustable supply of Jelly Belly jelly beans, and currently hold the western production facility. It is our wi
o forge an allience with the BfS faction, and wi***o arrange a meeting at which the above mentioned chocolate cake and cup cake issue can be resolved with minimunal distrubance to lunch. A possable Crusade to educate the eastern veggie loving heathrens may also present itself after dinner.
Lastly, we were aware of jennys predilication towards chocolate cake in all forms, but we had hopes counseling would help. Sadly, it seem all was in vain. We know she, along with a smaller accomplice know only as matt, have exhausted the supply of pre baked chocolate cake, which was held in reserve for a trip we had planned.
Any help in finding a replacement cake would be welcome.
Stay Frosty,
The Unihead Ed

Those are not chocolate stains on my face!!!

It is shoe polish!


And anyway - Matt did it!

HEY! Wait a minute, pal! If you can’t keep track of your subordinate sweets, I don’t want to have anything to do with this here Unihead Ed Cult…even if you DO have a compound!

Hey Skeets - meet me at the nearest grade crossing!


Jen, I am thoroughly annoyed with you ! Imagine, just IMAGINE, the insult to a good complete/fanatic MoPar person. Calling him a Cad !! Too much, just too much !

As to consulting with the Knights of the Roundtable, I thought they only dealt with Pizza problems.

May the light in your closet go dark !


24 hours ! NO extensions . . . Time’s a Waistin’

Chief Scrounge

I am insulted - I will depart this forum and not return until you all apologize. Or until at least tomorrow, which ever comes first!

Sign me gone to Mizzura!


MoPar and Pizza - hmmm want to ponder that!


yes plese post the brownie recipie

Detour Kev.

O.K. folks, here it is…


1 1/2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
1 tsp salt
8 tablespoons cocoa powder
4 eggs
1 cup shortning
This is for the actual brownies.


4 tablespoons room temp margerine
3 tbs. cocoa powder
2 cups powdered sugar
2 tsp vanilla
3 tbsp milk

In big mixing bowl, combine flour, sugar, salt, cocoa, eggs, and shortning. Mix well with an electric mixer. At least 3 minutes.
Put batter into a greased 9x13 pan
Bake at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes. (don’t over do it).
While that is baking, mix the Margerine with cocoa, powdered sugar, vannilla, and milk. Beat this frosting mix until it gets smooth and glossy.
As soon as the brownies come out of the oven, apply the frosting. The heat will turn the frosting into Fudge. You can add nuts if you want, but I like them just as is.
I gaurantee that these will be the best brownies you have ever had. Next time you go trackside, don’t be without a batch!
I’d like to hear from anyone who has tried the recipie, good cooks always like to hear what folks thing about their recipies.
Todd C.