How long have you been Model Railroading


I’ve been in the “planning” stage for the last 2 years. Now the addition to house is almost done and the 12 foot by 30 foot part of the basement will be ready for my ‘vision’ of the layout [latest version] I planed. I’ve been reading and reserching all I could and now I get to see if things will work like they look ‘on paper’. Thanks to all of you who have given your knowledge and experiance ini these form’s so us “new bees” can learn and not make to many mistakes. As always, anyone who has a layout this size, and has any “tips” on construction can always e-mail me. Thanks again to alll of you for your help. Larry

My dad did something to his back in '94 when I was 4, and he built a model railroad to keep himself active. It was quite something to clean out that room, as we were using it for storage.(Techinically, we still use it for storage, when we store our rolling stock in the yard.) We built plan #48(?) from 101 Track plans, the virginia and trukee one. We had a real mish-mash of rolling stock back then, and we ran it all with 2 SW1200s and a SD40-2. I tell you, an SW1200 does not look right pulling a long drag over a high trestle on a 2.2% grade. OMG FIRE!!!G2gtrainboy

When I got my 0-27 from Grandpa and Grandma for christmas in 66 and then my H.O. in 68. From there its only history!!! :slight_smile: Kevin

A couple of decades ago for me.

I think it wouold have been at the age of 3 or so, when I was given my first Hornby OO set (still have the loco, though it’s had a few parts replaced since then!). Went through a phase of avoiding the hobby for about 2 years or so (aged 16-18) but got back into it in my last year of 6th form - bought my first HO scale loco that year (Athearn SD9) as I was fed up with unreliable British N scale models (anyone who’s experienced old Graham Farish N products will know what I mean, and I couldn’t afford Fleischmann then!), collection has grown ever since, though I’m now concentrating on G scale - I like the metre gauge equipment, which you can get in either HOm or G, and the G scale’s not that much more expensive though it’s a lot larger and more detailed!

Some people like to say from the point when they got some toy train. I say from when I bought my first real model locomotive at 13 or 14 years old. Thats when it began. I’ve been model railroading for about 9 years.

hey guys and gails,
Been doing this fantistic hobby for a week, long time huh? Well my grandfather started in '75 and did it for a few years and got horrible sick, he died in '85 when I was 4 and left it all to me. Now im 24 and starting to get into it. 4 by 8 piece of plywood and 30 year old track and its working. Wish he was here to enjoy it with me. I have loads ofquestions and low money, Im making 23 inch curves from 18 inch curves pieces by hacksaw. Most of my questions are on metal wheels verses plastic on rollling stock. but for now all enjoy this fantastic hobby.

Have liked trains since 1988, when I was 5. Have had HO, since '92. And have been into serious model railroading since about 1999.


Scince i was five. A little oval with santa fe!

What I mean by that was that the fire alarm went off just then. It was a drill.
As I was saying, in 2001, I got a proto 1000 RDC3 in CPR coloursfor christmas. The next christmas, I got a CP C-Liner AB set, also Proto 1000. I never bought an Athearn again. I got my first Kato in 2003, in June. That made me retire my Athearn -2s. I have since then gotten 1 SD90, 1 SD40-2, 1 SD40(From Kato) 2 GP9s, 1 GP7, 1 S3, 1 RS10, 1 CFA16-4. All in CP colours of course.

I bought myself a train set in 1974. I was 12 years old at the time. I played with it for about a year, and during that time I acquired a couple more locos, some more freight cars, a couple switches, and some extra sections of track. I even bought a copy of Model Railroader - the November 1974 issue. All of that fell by the wayside when I got an electric guitar, and from late 1975 to early 1982 I abandoned model railroading in favour of rock ‘n’ roll. After that seven year hiatus I gave up the pursuit of rock stardom and returned to model railroading. I still play guitar and run trains. I’ve even done both at the same time.

I had a nice N-scale oval about ten years ago, but had to give it up when I moved out of Kansas. I would like to start N-scale again, but I have neither time nor money (college student) at this time.

I have been obsessed with trains since i was born which was in 1990. Thats almost 15 years for me! I remember setting up a layout with my grandpa when i was about 10 and he crashed a K4 into GG1 which then rear ended an Erie Lackawana SD45 that broke.

I have been an armchair model railroader since i was about 10, my house was too small for a lay out growing up. About 5 Years ago the army shipped me off to Germany where I got a marklin starter set, started building a layout and i have been hooked ever since.