How many F-Units do you have?

All Santa Fe:

F3 passenger (warbonnet)

4 AB sets, representing phases 1 to 4 (3 sets ATHG, 1 set Stewart)

F3 freight

2 AB sets, phase F5 (ATHG)

F7 passenger

2 ABBA sets, representing phases 1 and 2 (ATHG)

F7 freight

1 ABBA set, 2 AB sets (all phase 1, ATHG)

FT passenger

1 AB set (DP)

FT freight

1 AB set (DP)

According to my calculations, the total is 32. All listed units represent the “non-modernized” versions; they have no lift rings, no grab irons above the windshield, no grab irons on the side of the hood. The listed units do not only represent different construction phases, but also different paint schemes. For passenger units, the length of the red “warbonnet” was shortened at some point of time, and the freight units show either the “cat whisker” (earlier) or “cigar band” (later) design. Although out of my time frame, just because I like its looks, I also own an ATHG F7 bluebonnet set.


Congratulations on making your first post!

F series (and Es) are my favourite locomotives but I don’t own a bunch of them.

I have 1 F7, 1 FP7, 1 FP9 and 3 F7Bs all in Canadian Pacific maroon and grey. Everything is DCC with sound, except the F7 which I will sell because the details don’t match the rest of the fleet. It is an older Athearn. The others are all InterMountain.

I also have one E6 AB and one E7 AB[#offtopic]


Only seven F’s, all New Haven FL-9s in the McGinnis flavor. Thank you Jason Shron and all of the good folks at Rapido!

You’ve been a member since 2011? Don’t be shy. One of the benefits of posting is that you find out what you think you know ain’t so. Not that it is has happened to me :tinfoil2:

No F units here.

Actually, when I was a young fireman, I spent much of my time ON F units (FL-9’s) working on the [former NH RR] Danbury Branch and the Harlem and Hudson lines on former NYC territory.

I never really cared for them. They were ok, but one could get tired of tending to the steam generators with the big engine roaring in your ears (have some tinnitus that I think was aggravated by that back in the day).

I realize the F-40’s “weren’t the same” as the classic F units, but those were great locomotives, spent many days and nights on them later on.

On my little switching line (based on the “Black River Junction” of MRR a few years’ back), it’s all “single units” and they have to reverse direction to get home.

F units just wouldn’t “fit in”.

NHTX wrote: “Only seven F’s, all New Haven FL-9s in the McGinnis flavor.”

I probably ran at least one or two of those in your collection, back when they still “ran”…[:D]

Two blue box Athearns. One on the rails in SP Black widow. Other in the drawer is GN. I wanna put a bloody nose shell on it. Dan

I have just 2 F3B;s painted in BN Green and black paint scheme, They are designated for snow and MOW service.


I don’t have any yet, but I hope to have a few PRR F units along with the NS OCS units. If you count O scale, I have one Amtrak F45 I believe.

I have 12 chicken wire F3As, only 5 F3Bs. All CGW.


How many F-units? I have 5 NH FL9’s, and they are simply the finest F-units ever made (disclaimer: I helped to design them as a member of the NHRHTA).

If you want to consider non-EMD F-units, I also have a dozen Alco FA/FB’s, all in NH.

Let me be the lame guy here and say, zero.





Not that I don’t love me some F-Units, its just I have not yet had time to plop down cash for some. $200+ for some Athearn or Intermountain unit with the full DCC and Sound? Yeah, I ain’t going to build a fleet of those overnight, at least not until I finish college.


Back at home and double checked the roster.


It turns out the missing two units are an A/A set of Alco FAs. These are Walthers low end models.


So… 9 EMD F units, 2 Alco F units.




I have 3 Kato CB&Q F3A units in N scale and 1 B&O F7A early Athearn Genesis HO unit kept over from my HO modeling days. I am seriously considering one (or two) of the upcoming Kato Santa Fe red warbonet F7A locos just for fun. In N (normal) scale of course! [:D]


Since we are shoe horning in other F units, Ill add in 4 F40PHs.

The STRATTON & GILLETTE FAs are in the paint shop right now.


These are going to be the most colorful diesels on the SGRR roster when they are completed.





I have to admit I have 0 F units. I just have modern diesels from 1960 to now . Maybe one day.

D&RGW was running F units well past 1960, as was other roads. In fact FT’s were still running through about 1964. F7’s lasted until about 1972 and the F9’s ran until 1984.

Like many I had grandios plans to run trains from several time periods hence all those F units. I expect a some

xboxtravis, college years are difficult to have a train hobby, I know. And possibly wife and kids to distract you and spend your mondey too.

But, if you want to join the F unit crowd, you can find Stewart F units at train shows for a fraction of the cost of Intermountain and Genesis, and best of all, Stewart have the best silky smooth KATO chassis and they look pretty good too. You can add details to taste. I see them in the $50 to $80 price range - on Ebay some have them listed at nutty prices but pay no attention to those trolls. Heck, I’ve been trying to sell my NIB WP F3’s for about $55 ea and no nibbles. The mechanisms are so nice, I’ll probably save them in case I need them to replace Genesis chassis. [:P]


Also, the Kato bodies are pre-dimpled at the drill locations for the Walthers F Unit dress up kit. That kit can be had for 5-10 dollars. The kit does an A/B set of locomotives.


So, you can get a decent looking fine running A/B set for around $100.00 if you shop a bit.




I’ve got 3 A units and 1 B unit, all Milwaukee and all old Athearn blue box models. The B and one of the As are sound dummies. My collection started around 1960.

I’ve got a UP shell with no chassis, which ended up inside one of the Milwaukee’s. All of them have been fixed up with new headlight lenses and window glass, plus grabs.