How many Locos do you have??

Myself I counted 17 Diesels (auctually 19 left out the F7A and B in Black Widow paint )and 3 Steamers. But I don’t spend much time with steam because they are be so tempermental.
My favorite Diesels are two SD-9’s from athern one powerd and one dummy, put a lot of detail work into these and custom painted both (Southern pacific)complete with weathering. I also have a C-30 ( UP)thats been regeared and detailed this one is a real strong puller and 3 P2K’s GP 9’s (nuff said). Although I’m not real fond of steam I recently found a couple of Pemco 2-6-0’s Southerns that I like to look at.

I only have two and they are both early switchers: a Baldwin VO-660 and an Alco S1. I am very fond of them both. But, I’d have to say that the edge probably goes to the P2K S1 because 1) it was my first, and 2) I got it for such a bargain (70% off list, brand new). Runs like silk and looks great.

I have one steamer: an Athearn 2-8-2 Mikado.


AGAIN! From all the prior poles like this you might need to add a few zeros to the high end there.

Favorite In what way?
Best running - RS3 Northern Pacific Canoe scheme
Running in prototypical context - GP7 Zebra Striped Santa Fe
Most Impressive - A-B-A Alco PA Santa Fe War bonnet.

Why doesn’t this include steamers? I have many more of them than diesels. If this is supposed to include only diesels, I want to withdraw my vote. [:D]

More than I care to count. Don’t have a favorite, I like them all…


I answered 50+ in the steamer category and I want MORE!!! More Rio Grande L-131 2-8-8-2’s and more Missabe Road M-3/4 2-8-8-4’s. More, more, MORE!!! Do you get the feeling that I like heavy Articulateds?[:P][:P][:P]

I dunno… Probably between 30 and 40. (Including crummy, broken athearns)
Altogether, I have a good 30 locos too many for operating the railway. (2 trains, 4 locos, +1 switcher)
oh, well, the good ones are all regularely run.

I’ve got 14 in HO, but only use about 9 (the others are junkers). 8 Diesel, 6 Steam.

Just past 50 units with more on the way, literally. And more coming throughout the next few months.

I voted 50+ steam. I think I’ve got somewhere around 75 or so. But…I also have 30-40 diesels. And what about the electrics? I’ve got four.

My favorite? Any USRA light 2-8-2!

About 12 I could probably install DCC in and if you count all my junkers, well over 40.

13 for me, 10 steam, 3 diesels. Hopefully my SS COLA will allow me one or two a year now that I am retired and not making the big bucks that all you young engineers are making now.[:D]

just started modeling about 10 months ago so i have 1 N scale plus 4 good ho scale but have about 5 junkers in ho

Three steam (one a gift), and one diesel…a gift.

A Lionel UP Challenger (two-tone gray), and BLI PRR K4 due in a couple of weeks, but no hands-on until Christmas.

I have 11 Locos all ho scale
2 Gp30’s Santa fe life-like p2k
2 Gp20’s Santa fe p2k
1 Gp60 Santa fe proto
2 Gp7’s Sanat fe chop noses walthers trainline kitbashed
2 B23-7’s Santa fe Atlas
1 Gp30 Archer Grain Proto High hood custom
1 Sw1500 patched archer Grain Athearn super detailed
My favorite is my Archer Grain # 1988 High hood GP30 its awesome !!!

I have 8 steamers (5 brass, 3 plastic), 62 first generation diesels ( pre-1960, 2 brass the rest plastic), 115 second generation diesels (only 1 brass). Each one is detailed, weathered and operational. About 1/3 are owner painted. There is a photo gallery of a sample of my roster for my free-lance California, Eldon and Bagnell set in central Missouri on the following link:

My favorite locomotives are 4 Kato GP35’s that I’ve had for at least 10 years. Each is a sweet runner and they run together great.


Thanks for yur input folks…Joey

More than I need, but not as many as I want!

Caught on the horns of a Dilema, No?

31 Steam, 5 diesel, (1) GG1. Plus three hidden by wife for Christmas. 1 is DCC 4 are from the 1960’s the balance are either Rivarossi or Spectrum. Yea, 1 brass from about 1968 or so.

Vsmith said it all…More than I need but not as many as I want…Cox 47