Now I’m not looking to get real personal into peoples business, but there has been a lot of talk on here recently about brass, and the value of our collections, and what to do with them when we leave this earth…
Not to mention some views about buying and selling, or just buying, and about buying “too much”, and so forth. And about the relative wisdom of buying more expensive models vs less expensive models.
So that got me thinking, because I have been at this hobby a long time, since about 1967.
And I started out with some stuff my father was building/collecting shortly after I was born in 1957…
I don’t still have every piece…but I have a lot, and have only sold off a hand full of items in those 49 years. Literally, I have only sold about 6-8 items in that time, items I purchased with good intention of using then later decided I would not be happy with, or would not fit my layout theme as well as I first thought.
Compared to some, I have a lot of train stuff…compared to some others, I’m about average, and compared to others, I don’t have much at all.
About thirty years ago, I decided on a theme for my modeling. I have stuck to that theme, I only buy items that fit that theme, and have yet to reach all my goals or get bored with that theme.
So, now the big question, how much do I spend on trains? How much should one spend on trains?
Obviously this is personal, and relates to a number of factors. So I did some math, and tried to put some numbers together on my purchasing habits and my “investment” in model trains.
One thing became clear right away. No matter how big the number seemed at first, it was an extremly small percentage of my income and/or net worth.
My anual spending in the last 20 years has only been about 1-2% of my anual income.
And the life time investment is likely only about 1/2 of 1% of my net worth today, maybe 1% at the very most.
I don’t