How much is my Lionel Quicksilver train worth Today in 2007?[?]
Anyone Know?
Why does have a Classic trains Forums on Forums for?
Conrailman, I’m not sure I can answer your question, as I’m not really sure what the question really is.
Kalmbach publishes many magazines and there are forums for some of them. Those that are train related, TRAINS, Classic Trains, Model Railroader, Garden Railways, and Classic Toy Trains, have for some unknown reason been lumped under the web-site.
Questions pertaining to old Lionel, American Flyer, Marx, etc. are usually posted on the Classic Toy Trains forum.
Questions about classic trains, 20th Century Limited, SuperChief, Broadway Limited, etc., and fallen flags are usually posted on this forum.
I really don’t know the best place to post a question about your set or old Mantua, Varney, Trix, etc. products, but the Model Railroader forum is a likely place.
Hope this helps.