To all,
Fast Tracks makes great products for those of you who need or want them - no question about that.
As for NMRA compliance, what does that really mean in the case of Fast Tracks - the quality and accuracy of the finished product still lies in the craftsmanship of the builder.
That is craftsmanship I mastered three decades ago without their products.
My personal modeling goals do not include needing to create over 100 turnouts from scratch except for a few special conditions.
I am a NMRA member, I am even on the upcomming NMRA Data Sheets Peer Review Committee, but certificate or not, Atlas code 83 turnouts work very well, are very afordable and meet NMRA standards in every operational dimension that I have measured.
I have seen #4 Atlas turnouts with a slight wave, I have seen Atlas turnouts of both #4 and #6 with slightly raised frogs, all easly fixed during installation.
Like Larry, I think all this Atlas bashing is just like like Bachmann bashing. It is just snob appeal pandering and does nothing positive to promote the hobby.
I don’t know or care why Atlas turnouts do not have an NMRA certificate, but no one here has yet to specificly explain where/how/why they fail.
If we all only built our layouts with NMRA certified products we would be scratch building almost everything or not modeling much.