How Post Pictures Here

I just asked a question about track laying and thought I had posted links to the images on Photobucket. However no link showed in the post. I’m trying again. I am copying the URL of the image on photobucket. Is that how you do it? If not, any advice?



Test of image (no .html)

Your link does not work as an image. It’s actually a web page. (Remove the:600:0)

Test of page as a link.

To answer the question, I would remove the track nail (is the track even fastened?), replace the bent joiners, carefully align the rails both horizontally and vertically, then solder lightly.

How did this happen? If caused by expansion/contraction then you need to gap the rails somewhere nearby (± 2 feet).

If this is just for illustration purposes, ignore that.

There is more than one way to accomplish this, but the easiest way is to right click on your photo on the Photobucket site and select Copy. Then, position your cursor in the New Post or Reply box on this site, right click, and Select Paste.

You can see the result of that process below.


P.S. I addressed your track alignment question in your other thread.

When you click on the image in Photobucket, you will see a box on the right with four URLs. The bottom one is labeled IMG Code. THAT is the URL that you paste into your reply here.