How to Brighten/Lighten Silver Paint?


I’m going to airbrush a passenger car and I am looking for tips on how to brighten a metallic silver paint. I currently have 3 Model Master enamel silver paints: Aluminum, Steel, German Silver Metalic. They are all a little too dark for the color I’m trying to represent. Would a white enamel paint lighten them or would it just turn them into a milky color? Does thinning them lighten the color any by lessening the concentration? The color I’m looking to achieve is the silver color of New Jersey Transit locomotives and passenger cars. Thanks for your help.

You need to use metallizer paints such as Alclad. The process is more involved to get the finish you desire. Search Google for Alclad to see what is involved and what the reward is… David B

Tip from the Lazy Painter’s Rattlecan Club…

I use two Rustoleum products for this sort of finish and you may find them satisfying enough that costs, availability, and ease of use suit you.

For a slightly weathered aluminum finish, use the Rustoleum Metallic Silver Metallic 7271 (I know that’s redundant, but that’s what they call it.)

For a shiny new aluminum finish, use the Bright Coat Metallic Finish Aluminum 7715.

I call both alumninum advisedly. They might work as stainless steel, chrome or other metallic finish depending on how you use and see them. I beleive there are some other colors available in this line, so might work for you. Both have a shiny finish, but not glossy. If you need that, the 7271 can be topcoated with another Rustoleum product, while they do not recommend any top coat on the 7715.

Check the silver colors of automotive touch up spray cans at auto shops like Pep Boys, Auto Zone etc.

Hello KisNap,

Are you trying for a stainless steel appearance or an actual silver appearance? I have the MM Aluminum and Steel colors that you have. The Aluminum can be lightened very slightly with a “few” drops of Model Master bright White but will turn grayish-white with an excess amount. The Steel formula can be slightly lightened with the Aluminum formula that you already have but go easy on mixing. For cases like this I keep eye-droppers and spare mixing containers handy.

If you are going for a stainless steel finish, have you considered trying Alclad2 ? I’ve posted a number of threads that includes “How to” tutorials. Here are a few:

Pleasure Dome car:

Full Length Dome car:

Baggage-Dormitory car:


If You can find it by You, take a look at Tamiya Metallic Grey XF-56 Acrylic paint and see if that will work for You.

Take Care! [:D]


No real way to brighten metalic paint. The Brightness is a result of the ground up aluminun flakes. There is or was a rub on metalic paste finish that was sold in craft or art supply stores that could be polished when dry. It turned out better than the paints.