How to clean Lionel wheels

Hi my name is Ed and I am new to this forum but have been reading questions and answers for a long time from it. Most every question gets answered here and here is mine. I just acquired a lionel 813 prewar boxcar. Everything on this car is in excellent condition but the wheels,they are rust free but dirty and it looks like it is ground in the metal. How is the best way to clean them?
Thanks, Ed in PA.

Hi Ed,

Welcome to the CTT Forum

Here is a thread that might help you

and try this one also

If these don’t help, just ask


Dremal tool or Craftsman tool. On engines, I turn them over and hook alligator clips [+ to one of the pickups and - to the metal body] and give it power from transformer. Use denatured alcohol [found out the rubbing kind is bad for the rubber tires per MTH].

First scrape wheel with a small screw driver or hobby knife.
Then clean with a cotton swab dipped in denatured alcohol.
Finally polish with a roto tool w/ a wire wheel

I use a dremel tool and steel wire wheel without any other sort of surface preparation. This is a quick and easy way to clean them, and, by listening to the wheel as it spins at high RPMs, you can detect any places where you might need to tighten the wheel or add lubrication.