How To Ease Steam Loco Wheels Outwards on an Axle?

I have a Rivarossi 0-6-0 that I checked with an NMRA gauge & I found the wheels on the bull gear axle are about 1/64" too close together.

This may be contributing to it hesitating while starting reverse as I notice that torque is swinging the back slightly sideways, perhaps just enough to break electrical contact at this set of out of alignement wheels.

How can I ease the wheels apart so that they have the correct spacing??



I use the NWSL Puller 45-4 for this. You should also make sure the drivers are quartered. I use the NWSL Quarterer 44-4 for this.


I ran into a similar problem with a Bachmann Spectrum 2-8-0. I removed the bottom plate covering the axles, gently unscrewed the side rods and removed the axles one at a time.

With that loco, you can gently twist one direction, and gently twist the other direction to move the driver out on the axle.

As to quartering, it is fairly easy to twist the driver back into quarter, following the above example. As to how to quarter, usually the right side of a steamer LEADS the left side (true on the prototype); however, at least on Mantua the reverse is true. With this method, you DO risk somewhat damaging the area where the serations on the axle mate to the serations on the driver hub. In the case of my 2-8-0, there didn’t appear to be any.

Having said all this, the preferred method is using the NWSL Puller to move the driver, and their Quarterer to precisely set the quarter. In our model trains, exact quartering is usually not necessary. There is an awful lot of slop in the side rods that covers up inaccuarte quartering.

Scott Groff

If this is the center axle, Rivarossi may have deliberately made them narrower so it would go around tighter radius curves or to keep the side rods from binding. I would be hesitant about trying to move one or both wheels outward unless I knew for sure that they can be safely moved without breaking something.

Thanks for NWSL link.

I am not up to speed on the concept of ‘quartering’ - can you or someone point me to a simple explanation of what it is all about?

Thank you


More info.
