How To Get Working Signals On Layout

I am still in the early phase of building my current layout. I have about 1/2 of the benchwork and 1/4 of the trackwork and 1% of the scenery built in a 20 foot by 30 foot room. I have Digitrax DCC and Tortoise turnouts on the layout. I am modeling the N&W in October of 1957. I would like a working signaling system. I am not skilled enough to build a CTC panel, so that idea is OUT.[:$]

I feel that if I begin at least planning, if not actually installing signals now, I will be better off than trying to retrofit everything.

Am I bitting off too much? Or is this a “doable” project"?

Suggestions, please.[banghead]

Happy New Year to one and all!![<:o)]

Are you asking about BLOCK SIGNALS or HOME SIGNALS.

Block Signals require train detection circuits and electronics. As stated elsewhere, LIONS are cheap, and so block signals are out of the question.

Home Signals are controlled by the tower (ergo by the switch machine) and since you will use Tortoise switch machines, the work is already done for you. (+) 12v DC drives the switch machine to the NORMAL position; and (-) 12 v DC drives the machine to the REVERSE (diverging) position.

The SAME WIRE that drives the switch machine will also light up your signals. LION puts his signals in parallel with the machine, not in series, as the LION would have too many LEDs on his layout to drive both (maybe).

Either you use single bi-color LEDS if you want searchlight type signals, or you use a red and a green LED wired back to back so that only one will be lit depending on the polarity of the voltage. In either case a 1000Ω resistor will be needed for each LED or pair of LEDs if wired back to back.

The same conductor will illuminate the indicators on your control panel, and can be tamed to control any extra relays you may require out on the layout for track power or for signal logic.

I did not build a CTC panel either. LION built this GRS Model-5 Interlocking machine [:)]

But fear not, you can do it too. These are just fancy controls for a row of micro switches, and the model board above the machine is just for looks, albeit you can put panel indicators on it to illuminate the alignment of the switches.



LION is correct. Him is always correct.

So, the question is: blcok signals or home signals?


This link may help:

The first link on the page explains a little about how to get started with some diagrams and other links to various types of signal systems and some equipment.


Check out this webiste:

Terry is great to deal with and will answer any of the questions that you might have. Also if you go into the Track Configuration Library (TCL) he has quite a few examples in there of what you might need. And if you have something that you don’t he can get it set up for you. And Terry supplies everything from the lights, to the wiring, and he makes the circuit boards to control the whole thing.

I have a couple of his setups on my layout and they work perfectly.

You could create a virtual CTC panel using JMRI’s Panel Pro.

It’s compatible with Digitrax. Note that I have no experience with this, but someone here must be able to help you.

Steve S


I would like to use block signals, but I fear that that would be too much for me to handle. I am thinking that I would have to place detectors “all over the place”. Since I am electrical speaking a “4F”, home signals are what I would be looking at.

At the risk of sounding dumber than usual, what is LION?[:$]


Thanks for the link. It definitely helped. I have done some research on the N&W’s signaling system in the 1950’s. I would love block detection, but not being very good at electrical projects in general, I think I will go with a simpler system.[I]


That would be Broadway Lion.

I was agreeing with the comments that he posted.
