How to straigthen 18 g coiled wire for a fence? I highly doubt I can get it arrow straight, but close is great.
I looked at youtube and tried having one end held in a vice and spinning the other end in a drill. That didn’t work. I then moved the wire through a hole drilled in a wodden block with the other end spinning in a power drill on low torque and that also didn’t work. Any other ideas?
The twisting wire as you tried should have worked… did you keep up tension on it? To make sure it did not twist, did you hold it in the vice and bend it over an edge of the vice jaw. For longer lengths, I use a power drill and turn it keeping pressure on till it snaps. I have made many fence poles and lots of catenary for others this way…
Don’t know how long you need, but you can get floral wire from places like Michaels, AC Moore, and others that comes in all different gages, including 18 I believe. About 12 inches long and all ready straight. Less that $2.50, even less with coupon. I’d rather spend that money than waste a lot of time trying to straighten something.
If you are unrolling it off from a roll, pull it off straight. Do not let it come off the end of the roll so that it remains somewhat curled. I have the same problem with fencing wire if I let it slip off the end of the roll.
Not sure why some of your other methods haven’t helped.
What kind of fence are you making that needs that heavy a wire?
Another thing to consider is the real thing. A fence is straight and taut only because it is under tension. Until they develop a scale turnbuckle (or similar), your wire is going to sag. [:D]
Him uses thin wire with yellow insulation on it to form hadrails in the subway tunnels of him.
The wire is passed through the wall of the tunnel from where it is secured by a pushpin. I stretch it the length of the tunnel, and then it returns through the wall where I pull it tight with another push pin.
Yeah, I knoe that your fents is nought along a wall. It stand is the muddle of a field, so the top wire comes up from under the table where it is secured, runs the top of da fents, and then goes back under the table , pulled tight and is secured.
Oar, ewe coud just use a piec of string or thread and pull that tight, and then apply glue (duco cement or something) to it to hold its shape. Ewe shoud be able to dew this without resorting to going under the table for tension as ewe would with da wire.
Thanks all for the suggestions. I followed a combination and found the method that worked. Creating the fence was quite easy using an assembly line process.
So true, pulling wire off the rotating spool will not allow “twist” to end up in the wire. i do this even for larger and Romex to allow a neater installation job.
To the Op, if you continue to have issues, use brass or Phosfer bronze. Not only straight out of the package, but will solder quite nicely. Generally will use this for pipe railings.