In the June issue of MR, Tony Koester, in his Trainsofthought column, talks about using micro SPDT switches to move the points and power the frog in turnouts. I see how tis would work for powering the frog, but how would the turnout throw bar be attached to the micro switch? I’m using PECO Electrofrog turnouts and this seems like the perfect way for me, I’m just not sure how to fit everything together. Thanks, David.
You drill a hole in the handle for a link or cable end to fit in. The sliding action of the slide switch moves the points while the switch powers the frog. You really don’t need them with your Peco turnouts.
Thanks Johnnny_reb, those links are just what I was looking for. I like the idea of mounting them under the track in areas that are hard to reach as well.
Pete, why do you say I don’t need them with the Peco turnouts? Is there an easier/cheaper way to power the frog?
IIRC, Electro-frog switches have ‘all rail’ frogs - the are always powered by the points(why you need insulated gaps on the frog end of the turnout. Insul-frog switched have the gapped/insulated frogs. You should not have a problem with a short wheelbase engine crossing an Electro-frog turnout, unless the points are not making solid contact.
As an aside, if you use a small slide switch - make sure if ‘breaks’ the contact completely on one pole before it ‘makes’. If it makes before the points are off the stock rail - You have a direct short! Since you are going to use Caboose Industries ground throws, why not buy the ones that have the built-in contacts to do this? The model 220S has these contacts built in…