How well do little Atlas N scale Davenport diesel 0-6-0s run?

I’m thinking about picking one of the littleAtlas Davenport diesel locos up on eBay to convert to an HOn 30 industrial switcher. Assuming it runs as well as they will, are they suitable for the slow speeds needed for lugging a few small ore cars around?


Assuming, it runs as good as it’s big brother,1:1,that’s one of their main uses,were ore cars. I didn’t know they made them in N-Scale,though,that has to be little…



I would avoid the Davenport since its at least 30-35 years old.The motors back in the early years of N Scale wasn’t the best.

Atlas,is the one who made the Model,Davenport,is the name of the manufacturer,who made the 1:1 version,in Davenport,Iowa,in the early 20’s until 1956…



Here’s what Spookshow has to say about them: I would post an actual link but doing so on a tablet is kind of annoying. Essentially these things have power pickup issues and really huge wheel flanges.

Unfortunately, they don’t run well. The example I have tends to skew sideways as it goes down the track until it derails.

I recall that there was a “Workshop Tip” some years ago relating to split-frame N scale Davenport switchers. The short wheelbase caused stalling over unpowered turnout frogs, and so the author permanently coupled them and wired the split frames together to improve pickup. I would recommend getting two switchers and wiring the frames together, so that you have two HOn2.5 switchers coupled back-to-back with the cabs in the center. As I recall, the author used a pair of wires soldered to washers at each end and small screws to connect the frames. The screws were put through the washers, and jammed between the frame and the shell. When it was finished, the wires looked like hoses between the two locos.