Howard Zane Piermond Divison influence

I own the book of Mister Zane from years now and read it often.

I always liked the depots of his layout which are for the most his own design with no particular prototype version.

From the beginning , I know I need one on my Maclau River layout in N scale.

I simply started from a kit bash of the Walthers Nscale Clarksville depot.

Sketches how to modify the Walthers depot were made years ago, but it’s now on the way to be constructed.

I use Tichy windows and Evergreen plastic.

This was en enjoying sunny afternoon, working outside and easy to build project, but with a lot of character and unique.

Marc - I have enjoyed seeing pictures of your work very much. Would it be asking too much if you give us an update on your wonderfuly layout?

Howard has the Mansard roof down pat. This is the house of a former actor from the Civil War era, turned into a Board of Education office and allowed to deteriorate and now is senior living

pm sent

Henry…what a magnificent structure! And Marc, nice work on the station and thanks for good words.

This house will most likely wind up as my next structure, or something close as I love this period of architecture.